Стандарт МЭК 60364-1: проект, стадия CD, Раздел 20

Jan 01, 2019 11:56

18 января 2019 г. завершается приём замечаний и предложений по документу 64/2349/CD (CD - проект комитета), который является Проектом новой - шестой редакции стандарта МЭК 60364-1 «Низковольтные электрические установки. Часть 1. Основополагающие принципы, оценка основных характеристик, определения» (IEC 60364-1 «Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitions»).
На основе действующего стандарта МЭК 60364-1 разработан модифицированный ГОСТ 30331.1 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/4077.html , http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/7044.html ), который является более совершенным нормативным документом, чем международный стандарт.
Проект стандарта МЭК 60364-1 содержит много ошибок и недостатков, которые следует устранить. Рассмотрим некоторые ошибки, допущенные в пустом разделе 20 «Термины и определения» (Terms and definitions) Проекта, а также сформулированные нами предложения по их устранению.

В разделе 20 имеется только одно требование: «For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions of IEC 60050-826 apply. For further explanations to several terms of IEV 826, see Annex B».
Бόльшая часть терминологии стандарта МЭК 60050-826 заимствована из стандарта МЭК 60050-195. Поэтому из разрабатываемого стандарта МЭК 60050-826 (см. https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/74816.html ) следует исключить терминологию разрабатываемого стандарта МЭК 60050-195 (см. https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/69152.html , https://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/69591.html ). Кроме того, раздел 20 следует дополнить некоторыми ключевыми терминами, которые использованы в требованиях стандарта МЭК 60364-1.
Рассматриваемое требование следует изложить так:
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions of IEC 60050-195 and IEC 60050-826 apply. For further explanations to several terms of IEV 195 and IEV 826, see Annex B. The following terms and definitions apply too.

Раздел 20 предложено дополнить терминами, которые соответствуют терминологии ГОСТ 30331.1 или подготовлены на её основе. Эти термины предложены для использования в новых редакциях стандартов МЭК 60050-195 и МЭК 60050-826. Некоторые термины применены в технической спецификации МЭК 62257-5 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/12912.html ).
current-carrying conductor
conductor which carries the electric current under normal conditions
Note to entry: The line conductor (L), the neutral conductor (N), the mid conductor (M), the PEN conductor, the PEM conductor and the PEL conductor are the current-carrying conductors. The protective conductor (PE) is not the current-carrying conductor
[SOURCE: IEC TS 62257-5:2015, B.1.1]

distribution network
low-voltage electrical network consisting of the power source and a distribution line (overhead line or underground cable) and intended for supplying of the electric power to electrical installations of buildings and other low-voltage electrical installations
[SOURCE: IEC TS 62257-5:2015, B.1.2]

distribution system
low-voltage electrical system consisting of a distribution network and an electrical installation
Note 1 to entry: The distribution system usually includes an electrical installation of building which is connected to the low-voltage distribution network consisting of a step-down transformer substation and an overhead line or an underground cable (see Figure 20.1).
Note 2 to entry: The smallest distribution system includes a power source and one item of a current-using equipment (see Figure 20.2).
[SOURCE: IEC TS 62257-5:2015, B.1.3]

Figure 20.1 - General outline of the distribution system

Figure 20.2 - Distribution system of the smallest type

earthed line conductor
(identification: LE)
line conductor which has an electrical connection with a local earth
[SOURCE: IEC TS 62257-5:2015, B.1.4]

electrical installation of building
assembly of associated electric equipment located in a building and having co-ordinated characteristics to fulfil specific purposes
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-826:2004, 826-01-01, modified: addition of "located in a building and"]

line conductor
(identification: L)
conductor which is energized under normal conditions and used for the transmission of electric energy but which is not a neutral or mid conductor

common live part between two symmetrical circuit elements the opposite ends of which are electrically connected to different line conductors of the same circuit

mid conductor
(identification: M)
conductor electrically connected to the mid live part of the DC electrical system and used for the transmission of electric energy

common live part of a star-connected polyphase AC system or mid live part of a single-phase AC system

neutral conductor
(identification: N)
conductor electrically connected to the neutral and used for the transmission of electric energy

phase conductor
line conductor which is used in an AC electric circuit

pole conductor
line conductor which is used in an DC electric circuit

(power) source
(electric) source
electrical equipment intended for generation, accumulation of electric energy or change its characteristics

protective conductor
(identification: PE)
conductor provided for purposes of electrical safety

type of system earthing
integrated characteristic of the distribution system, which assigns availability or absence of earthing of live parts of a power source, availability of earthing of exposed-conductive-parts of an electrical installation or an electrical equipment, availability and performance of electrical connection between earthed live parts of the power source and exposed-conductive-parts
Note 1 to entry: The characteristic «type of system earthing» determines special requirements to all elements of the distribution system. For components of the distribution network this characteristic determines following requirements:
- for the power source - presence or absence of earthing of its live parts. If the power source has the earthed live part the additional earthing of conductors connected electrically with the earthed live part of the power source may be provided in the distribution network. If the power source has live parts isolated from the earth the distribution network conductors, as a rule, should be isolated from the earth or, as an exception, some conductor can be earthed through an impedance;
- for the distribution line - requirements to the arrangement of the protective, neutral, mid-point and earthed line conductors.
For the electrical installations or the electrical equipment this characteristic determines requirements to earthing of the exposed-conductive-parts, and to presence or absence of an electrical connection of the exposed-conductive parts with the earthed live part of the power source.
[SOURCE: IEC TS 62257-5:2015, B.1.6]

IT system
distribution system in which all live parts of a power source are isolated from the earth or one live part of the power source is earthed through an impedance, exposed-conductive-parts of an electrical installation are connected to earth electrodes of the electrical installation by protective conductors (PE)

TN-C system
distribution system in which one live part of a power source is earthed, exposed-conductive-parts of an electrical installation are connected to the earthed live part of the power source by PEN, PEM or PEL conductors

TN-C-S system
distribution system in which one live part of a power source is earthed, exposed-conductive-parts of an electrical installation are connected to the earthed live part of the power source in a head part of the electrical installation (from the power source) by PEN, PEM or PEL conductors, and in other part of the electrical installation by protective conductors (PE)

TN-S system
distribution system in which one live part of a power source is earthed, exposed-conductive-parts of an electrical installation are connected to the earthed live part of the power source by protective conductors (PE)

TT system
distribution system in which one live part of a power source is earthed, exposed-conductive-parts of an electrical installation are connected to earth electrodes of the electrical installation electrically independent of earth electrodes of the power source by protective conductors (PE)

Заключение. Если предложения по уточнению терминологии будут учтены при подготовке нового стандарта МЭК 60364-1, он будет качественным нормативным документом. Его терминология будет лучше согласована с терминологией стандартов комплекса МЭК 60364 «Низковольтные электрические установки».

система TN-S, МЭК 60050-195, система TN-C-S, система распределения электроэнергии, МЭК 62257-5, система TT, электрическая установка здания, ГОСТ 30331.1, распределительная сеть, МЭК 60364-1, МЭК 60050-826, тип заземления системы, система IT, система TN-C

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