Oct 29, 2005 12:08
lol Sorry...but that is now officially my quote. I just made it up, and it def. goes with the theme I've been living for the past week.
Soo, hmm....I forgot the last thing I wrote...I prolly should of checked that...
All well
I'll just talk about stuff thats in my head..
For one...I wrote this poem...like an hour ago actually...lol yeah..
"I love you"
there once was a boy
that i once knew
who always said
"I love you"
he'd hold my hand
and bring me flowers
and hint to take
Those nice hot showers
he made me laugh
and he made me smile
i thought we'd last
For quite some while
he took me out
and we'd have fun
for hours and hours
Under the sun
but time cut in
to our perfect love
and it flew away
Like a freedom dove
we split in two
from the time we lost
and what it took
Was a sadly cost
he was mine
and now he's not
what we had
Was just a thought
cause he threw it away
without a kiss
and took it's chance
At total bliss
my heart is broken
split in two
all i can think
Is "i love you"
good? bad? idk...I kinda like it
So, we won the football game tonight! (or should I say last night, cause tech. its Sat. cause it's past midnight..?!) Anwyays, we won 40 to 7!!! w00t w00t!!! Heck yes!!
We are proud of you, say we are proud of you!! Say C-O-C-O-A B-E-A-C-H GO BEACH!! lmao o my god..
I cant believe I just wrote that in my lj, and the sad thing is I'm going to keep it there.... haha I'm such a dork...
Well...I saw Justin there. It hurt. Really bad. I'm so much in love with that dickwad. But it looked like he was havin fun. Actually it looked like he was havin fun ever since a little after he broke up with me at the last game. Yes, the last game I was at...he broke up with me. Needless to say that was the shittiest night ever! I cried and had to put on a frickin fake smile and cheer. Whatever. He called me his "best friend" yet barely talks to me. And if he talks to me, its small talk that I start!! yes! III start! UGH!
But whatever. It looks like hes not even phased by it. Like he doesnt really love me, like he always said he did. And it hurts so bad.
Alotta guys have been hitting on me more than usual, and I think it's cause they know I'm single again. Yeah I PLAY flirt back, but I dont mean it. Im just thinking about this bracelt on my wrist I never took off. The one everyone compliments me on, and the one I should take off but I cant. I just cant.
And a (girl) friend of mine told me that Justin told her he was "still deciding." Deciding what! If he wants me back or not? I thought he told me he did, he just wanted to sort out things pretty much and he was going to make us work out. RIIGHT! Nice workin on that load of bullshit Justin! LUV YA
UUUGH! ok anyways
KT, my bethteth fwend (dont ask), is havn trouble too. She just broke up with her bf of almost a year and is now regretting it! I feel so bad, but theres nothing I can do for her. But frickin mustang lover boy asked her out lastnight/tonight which I could slap him for! Cuz he...ugh! I'm not even going to start. Long story, and short attention span dont mix!
Well Im gonna go.
Hopefully I'll have fun tomarrow night...
Much Luv
From the bottom of my broken heart