В далеком 2000-ом Клинтон пробивал в Конгрессе ратификацию вступления Китая в ВТО.
By a surprisingly wide margin, 237 to 197, lawmakers voted to give Beijing permanent normal trading privileges after months of fierce lobbying that pitted business against organized labor. A larger-than-expected Republican majority delivered President Clinton's top remaining legislative priority: three out of four Republicans voted in favor; two out of three Democrats voted against. <...> With his time in office winding down, Mr. Clinton threw the powers of the presidency behind passing the measure, which he considers a crowning foreign policy triumph. He met with more than 100 lawmakers face to face or in groups, called scores more by phone, and traveled to Congressional districts in the Midwest and California to rally support. <...> Opponents criticized this measure as one that would undercut America's moral authority in the world. ''We must stand up for human rights and democracy throughout the world,'' said Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia. ''We have a chance to vote for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy.'' https://www.nytimes.com/2000/05/25/world/china-trade-vote-clinton-triumph-house-237-197-vote-approves-normal-trade-rights.html
На слушаниях в Конгрессе Огайо представлял Роб Портман, нынешний сенатор. Он поддерживал инициативу и дал Роберту Рубину, отличнику из Гарварда, озвучить “talking points”.
Mr. Portman. The second question I have, and it's really based on your background in international negotiations and your dealing with the leadership in China, is what do you think would happen if we were to pull the vote this year? Mr. Rubin. If you were not to vote this year? Mr. Portman. If we just throw up our hands and say, we just can't deal with this issue. Mr. Rubin. Oh, I think it has a number, at least in my view, has a number of ramifications, Mr. Portman. I think all of them are exceedingly negative. One thing, I think that there is a realistic possibility that China would go ahead, get access to the WTO and just exclude us from all the benefits. And as you very correctly pointed out, everyone else will take advantage of benefits and we'll soon be shut out, which is highly disadvantageous to us. I think the other thing is that you do have these competing forces within China over the question whether to reform or not to reform, whether to move forward or not to move forward. And I think that there would at least be a possibility of a terrible undermining of the reformist voices in China, which is exactly the opposite of what we should want to accomplish. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-106hhrg67832/html/CHRG-106hhrg67832.htm
С тех пор утекло много воды, в 2016 Портман легко победил на сенатских выборах, набрав на 10% больше голосов, чем Трамп. Попытки атаковать его за поддержку свободы торговли не произвели впечатления на избирателей.
In response to Senator Rob Portman’s false claims about his record on China, today the Strickland for Senate campaign is releasing a new digital ad: “In His Own Words.” The centerpiece of the spot is video footage of Sen. Portman championing normal trade relations with China and praising trade relations with China from the floor of the House. The ad also details how our economy has been rocked following Senator Portman’s support for unfair, job killing trade deals and policies that have shipped Ohio jobs overseas to places like China. “Unfortunately for Senator Rob Portman, his fawning adoration for China and his decades long, unabashed support for job killing trade deals is well preserved on video tape,” said Strickland campaign spokesman David Bergstein. “Portman’s claims about his record on trade are further symptoms of the delusional, Washington fantasy land that he lives in. Whether Portman was voting to grant China Most Favored Nation Status or opposing anti-currency manipulation legislation, the truth is that Portman is the best Senator China’s ever had.” https://web.archive.org/web/20170303060316/http://www.tedstrickland.com/news/press-releases/strickland-campaign-releases-new-web-ad-on-portman-and-china-in-his-own-words
Хотелось бы иметь простой ответ на вопрос “Кто виноват”, но жизнь сложнее.
By a surprisingly wide margin, 237 to 197, lawmakers voted to give Beijing permanent normal trading privileges after months of fierce lobbying that pitted business against organized labor. A larger-than-expected Republican majority delivered President Clinton's top remaining legislative priority: three out of four Republicans voted in favor; two out of three Democrats voted against. <...>
With his time in office winding down, Mr. Clinton threw the powers of the presidency behind passing the measure, which he considers a crowning foreign policy triumph. He met with more than 100 lawmakers face to face or in groups, called scores more by phone, and traveled to Congressional districts in the Midwest and California to rally support. <...>
Opponents criticized this measure as one that would undercut America's moral authority in the world.
''We must stand up for human rights and democracy throughout the world,'' said Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia. ''We have a chance to vote for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy.''
На слушаниях в Конгрессе Огайо представлял Роб Портман, нынешний сенатор. Он поддерживал инициативу и дал Роберту Рубину, отличнику из Гарварда, озвучить “talking points”.
Mr. Portman. The second question I have, and it's really based on your background in international negotiations and your dealing with the leadership in China, is what do you think would happen if we were to pull the vote this year?
Mr. Rubin. If you were not to vote this year?
Mr. Portman. If we just throw up our hands and say, we just can't deal with this issue.
Mr. Rubin. Oh, I think it has a number, at least in my view, has a number of ramifications, Mr. Portman. I think all of them are exceedingly negative.
One thing, I think that there is a realistic possibility that China would go ahead, get access to the WTO and just exclude us from all the benefits. And as you very correctly pointed out, everyone else will take advantage of benefits and we'll soon be shut out, which is highly disadvantageous to us.
I think the other thing is that you do have these competing forces within China over the question whether to reform or not
to reform, whether to move forward or not to move forward. And I think that there would at least be a possibility of a terrible undermining of the reformist voices in China, which is exactly the opposite of what we should want to accomplish.
С тех пор утекло много воды, в 2016 Портман легко победил на сенатских выборах, набрав на 10% больше голосов, чем Трамп. Попытки атаковать его за поддержку свободы торговли не произвели впечатления на избирателей.
In response to Senator Rob Portman’s false claims about his record on China, today the Strickland for Senate campaign is releasing a new digital ad: “In His Own Words.”
The centerpiece of the spot is video footage of Sen. Portman championing normal trade relations with China and praising trade relations with China from the floor of the House. The ad also details how our economy has been rocked following Senator Portman’s support for unfair, job killing trade deals and policies that have shipped Ohio jobs overseas to places like China.
“Unfortunately for Senator Rob Portman, his fawning adoration for China and his decades long, unabashed support for job killing trade deals is well preserved on video tape,” said Strickland campaign spokesman David Bergstein. “Portman’s claims about his record on trade are further symptoms of the delusional, Washington fantasy land that he lives in. Whether Portman was voting to grant China Most Favored Nation Status or opposing anti-currency manipulation legislation, the truth is that Portman is the best Senator China’s ever had.”
Хотелось бы иметь простой ответ на вопрос “Кто виноват”, но жизнь сложнее.
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