Маккарти - из Висконсина, как и штаб-квартира Джона Берча. Не совсем Огайо.
Шансы Байдена в Огайо падают. Чем обернутся выборы, мы пока не знаем, но Верховный суд уже просрали. Поэтому интересна связь судей с Огайо.
В 2004 Буш выиграл Огайо, педалируя вопрос об однополых браках. На подхвате работал Нил Горсач:
Mr. Mehlman emailed the White House, and he wrote, "Neil is a wonderful guy, was my law school roommate, did the 72-hour effort in Ohio for us, and was part of Lawyers for Bush." Mr. Mehlman wrote, "He is a true loyalist."https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/159934.html... )
В далеком 2000-ом Клинтон пробивал в Конгрессе ратификацию вступления Китая в ВТО.
By a surprisingly wide margin, 237 to 197, lawmakers voted to give Beijing permanent normal trading privileges after months of fierce lobbying that pitted business against organized labor. A larger-than-expected Republican majority delivered President Clinton's top remaining legislative priority: three out of four Republicans voted in favor; two out of three Democrats voted against. <...> With his time in office winding down, Mr. Clinton threw the powers of the presidency behind passing the measure, which he considers a crowning foreign policy triumph. He met with more than 100 lawmakers face to face or in groups, called scores more by phone, and traveled to Congressional districts in the Midwest and California to rally support. Opponents criticized this measure as one that would undercut America's moral authority in the world
( ... )
Comments 3
Маккарти - из Висконсина, как и штаб-квартира Джона Берча. Не совсем Огайо.
Шансы Байдена в Огайо падают. Чем обернутся выборы, мы пока не знаем, но Верховный суд уже просрали. Поэтому интересна связь судей с Огайо.
В 2004 Буш выиграл Огайо, педалируя вопрос об однополых браках. На подхвате работал Нил Горсач:
Mr. Mehlman emailed the White House, and he wrote, "Neil is a wonderful guy, was my law school roommate, did the 72-hour effort in Ohio for us, and was part of Lawyers for Bush." Mr. Mehlman wrote, "He is a true loyalist."https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/159934.html... )
By a surprisingly wide margin, 237 to 197, lawmakers voted to give Beijing permanent normal trading privileges after months of fierce lobbying that pitted business against organized labor. A larger-than-expected Republican majority delivered President Clinton's top remaining legislative priority: three out of four Republicans voted in favor; two out of three Democrats voted against. <...>
With his time in office winding down, Mr. Clinton threw the powers of the presidency behind passing the measure, which he considers a crowning foreign policy triumph. He met with more than 100 lawmakers face to face or in groups, called scores more by phone, and traveled to Congressional districts in the Midwest and California to rally support. Opponents criticized this measure as one that would undercut America's moral authority in the world ( ... )
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