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tijd March 19 2020, 02:27:13 UTC
Рой Кон, если подумать - жертва эпидемии. Не выходит из головы его предсмертная поездка в Израиль в компании Джесси “deadlier than a virus” Хелмса https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/142426.html

Roy wanted to do everything and go everywhere one more time. Half his life he had spent traveling. He could never stay still, he didn't have the attention span for it, so in the summer of 1985 he took off for Monte Carlo. When he got back, he took off in the August heat for Israel with Peter and two Republican senators, Jesse Helms from North Carolina and Chic Hecht, a backbencher from Nevada who was devoted to Roy. The Israeli military took their important guests off on automobile and airplane tours; they kept moving until eight o'clock in the evening.
All the while Roy was taking shots of Interferon, which, says Peter, not only was sapping his body but, worse, was affecting Roy's mind. "It wasn't so much a dementia, it was more disorientation and confusion. Sometimes he would all of a sudden realize he'd said something totally wacky." This would panic Roy, and then depress him, because the one thing he'd always prided himself on was his intellect, being fast on his feet. "How he ever struggled through that trip..." marvels Tom Bolan. "When he came back, he had had it."
With his old friends, Roy no longer had the self-mastery to hide his trouble. Barbara Walters recalls an emotional lunch they had in a restaurant when he returned from Israel. As the tears ran down his face, she tried to distract him with news and bits of gossip. Afterward she told friends that if his cancer was a judgment from God, then Roy Cohn had been punished enough.

Недавно вспоминался и «идише копф» Артур Финкельштейн, помогавший Хелмсу удерживаться у власти и заблаговременно распознавший патологическую «харизму» Трампа: “It’s just pure personality” https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/140008.html

Его имя всплыло в связи с назначением и.о. директора национальной разведки.

One of the U.S. consultants Grenell worked for was the late Republican strategist Arthur J. Finkelstein, according to Engle and to Grenell’s public financial disclosures. Finkelstein worked on behalf of candidates both in this country and abroad.


xzitin March 19 2020, 03:01:43 UTC


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