
Jan 03, 2009 22:48

I sought to find some peace before my trek into the Plaguelands to search for Elisabeta.  I went to the floating island Sir Lucean and I first visited two nights ago, hoping his lingering presence in my mind and the breath taking stars would sooth my troubled mind.  I haven't been sleeping well as of late.  My worries, Sabe among them, have been too great to allow me the ability to sleep soundly.

Perhaps it was that my thoughts were so focused on him that I seemed to conjour him from the very air.  Or perhaps-  No.  I think he simply happened to pass by there while exercising his flying mount.

Whatever the reason, I was glad for his presence.  I enjoy speaking with him.  Last night seems to have melded together in my mind as one long, peaceful moment.

Toward the end I voice my questions of earlier in a statement.  I told him I didn't realize he actually could perform intimate acts.  I still feel embarrassed that I said it outloud, but he smiled his handsome smile and told me that he most certainly can, though he did say that if he were to do so, he'd prefer to take things slow.  I told him that if he ever did decide to perform any such experiments in that department, he'd likely have a line of beautiful women willing to assist him.

It was probably the strangest type of flirting I've ever done, but I was so fascinated by it I forgot my shyness around him and actually flirted back telling him, once he voiced his desire for a scholarly woman to assist him, that I knew of a red head who had experience in the research department.

He seemed rather delighted that beyond my blushing and stammering, there is a woman who is capable of witty reparte.  I was ridiculously pleased by that comment.  Eventually we said good night.  I came close to asking him to stay with me, but I held back.  Apparently, however, I didn't need to hold back.  When he finally pulled the question from me and learned that him sleeping near me would help me rest, he agreed.

I put him in my brother's room which is next to my own.  I don't feel it would be right for us to move too quickly with this.  I have do so too many times with my past relationships and they have all ended in tragedy.  Perhaps knowing him for who he is first will-

Am I seriously thinking along these lines?  I am perhaps given to fancy too much for my own good.  And his kisses do nothing to clear those fantasies from my mind.

I left him a small note before I left the estate, telling him to make himself at home and eat/drink whatever he liked.  I'm not sure if he'll stay nor if he'll return, but with him there the place felt like a home again.

This evening Varrgas and I trekked out to the Plaguelands and after a few hours found Elisabeta holed up in a shack near Corrin's Crossing.  When she emerged it was with a flash of light and weapons at the ready.  She looked wild, disheveled, but righteous; as if she'd clear the entire plaguelands single-handedly.

She doesn't remember anything.  I'm not sure what happened to her that month and a half ago when she lost her journal, but I think the trauma sent her over the edge.  She's now the perfect paladin in everyway; loyal, righteous, forceful, yet she seems truly concerned for the well being of others.

Varrgas, being a well trained ambassador, was able to convince Sabe to return to the chapel and confirm what he'd told her about the war and the Argent Dawn's move to Northrend.  Elisabeta was assigned medical leave during which she's to have a medical evalutation and will hopefully regain her memories.  In three weeks time she's to report to Light Breach in Northrend.  It would seem she's now assigned to the Argent Crusade.

Hearing Sabe talk, it's as if she can only remember being a paladin and that anything else she had in her mind was wiped out.  I teared up once or twice as she and Varrgas spoke.  He patiently explained things to her.  She was angry and beligerant at first, but eventually she was swayed into believing him.

I took her back to my estate and got her cleaned up and fed.  She's now resting in the guestroom that she always used when she would visit us for the summers.  I almost wept when I saw her sleeping, her face finally in peaceful repose on her pillow.  I should have known she was strong enough to survive once again.

**A few tears mar the bottom of the page**


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