
Jan 01, 2009 16:25

I told Gelles I want nothing more to do with Gelki.  She actually attempted to persuade me into believing that she is not a bad person.  Right.  And I haven't killed people.

Then I attempted to ask her about wearing a dress.  And attempted to tell her about Tacq.  I got so angry with her.  She just can't relax, she can't let anything go.  And I'm finding the longer I'm near her, the more I can't stand to be myself.  Her very presence screams to me that I'm a worthless killer.

What do you do when your best friend could end up trying to kill you?  It's a possibility if Gelki doesn't stay the hell away from me and those I love.  Gelles is determined to protect her.  I won't kill Gelles, not ever.  But she may have to kill me.  And perhaps I may deserve it.

I spent New Years Eve with Tacq.  He took me to a beautiful restraunt where he discovered I'm a vegetarian.  We talked about his memory loss and I offered to help however I can.  If Korlyn and Eurekaa can discover a way to stop it or even reverse it, then I'll do whatever I can to help with it.

Then he took us up to the top of the tallest tower and we looked out over the city while Mekamule serenaded us.  I'm pretty sure I blushed over that.  Which is just stupid because I'm hardly a blushing virgin.  Tacq just surprises me with his thoughtful ways and I'm not prepared to handle the care he gives me.

I showed, by pressing my hip against his, that my dress, while outrageously purple and skimpy, was also a deadly weapon.  I had Lanfith sew in a holder for my favorite set of throwing knives.  He laughed and said Korlyn owed him money.  Apparently they'd made a bet on whether I would be packing or not.  I had to laugh.  And it turns out he found a way to include a sawed-off shot gun in his suit.

I tried to explain to him what he means to me.  And what does the man say?  That he loves me too.  Am I so transparent?  Am I so foolish as to try this love thing yet again?  Haven't the last three disasters taught me anything?

Apparently not.  Tacq isn't a coward, not in any way.  When did I become one?  I apologized to him for it and told him I loved him too.  And the big lug forgave me.

Of course then I raced him back home to show him how much.  Right after I punished him for laughing at Gelles' nickname for me.

Captain Longears indeed.


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