Sun, 14:15: RT @ NoLieWithBTC: Holy shit. The Republican billionaire whose luxury gifts Clarence Thomas has been illegally hiding from the public also c…
Sun, 14:20: RT @ OmarRiverosays: BREAKING NEWS: Yahoo News drops bombshell, reveals that Elon Musk's Twitter is now “amplifying” the Twitter accounts of…
Sun, 17:23: If he does something outside of Texas, then Abbott wouldn't be able to do anything. Unfortunately the TX governor likes to flout justice which should be getting him removed from office.
Sun, 17:26: RT @ GangstHannah: The kids know this is a class war more than anything else. It's a handful of rich assholes having their little thieving f…
Sun, 17:47: RT @ swizzard: "average american owns 3 pieces of nazi paraphernalia" factoid actually just statistical error. the average person owns 0 naz…
Sun, 19:31: RT @ cattooist: Here’s your sign; I know someone needs this today. I wanted to remind you that the universe doesn’t make mistakes. Your ex…
Sun, 19:34: RT @ SkidarStudios: I'm running a little commission sale with all the proceeds going directly to help @ FridayTea after their tea shop was bu…
Sun, 21:07: RT @ RetroNewsNow: 🎶On April 9, 1988, ‘Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car’ by Billy Ocean reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100…
Sun, 22:01: RT @ AdamKinzinger: Nice Easter post, clown. He will never be president again. He is completely utterly unhinged Donald Trump will go dow…
Mon, 02:20: RT @ emilylorange: This is 100% selling people on a wish with no basis in reality but can you imagine what techbros would do with this inven…