Apr 09, 2023 12:00
- Sat, 13:37: RT @ DarrigoMelanie: Harlan Crow, the Nazi memorabilia-collecting billionaire and vacation buddy of Clarence Thomas has spent millions buyin…
- Sat, 22:01: RT @ jilevin: It is a crime to exploit patriotism in the service of hatred. - Emile Zola https://t.co/kmH4qH7mrT
- Sat, 22:12: RT @ Zorasth: @ SpiritofLenin @ mrdavemacleod https://t.co/83ya7pWpwv
- Sat, 23:46: RT @ BetteMidler: https://t.co/LxiAEnnb8v
- Sun, 00:34: RT @ Oren_Jacobson: To top it off, Judge Kacsmaryk rejects the term "fetus" & uses "unborn human" or "unborn child" instead. He’s literall…
- Sun, 00:37: RT @ AdamSerwer: The governor of Texas wants to impress fox news primetime viewers so he is taking the position that right wing political vi…
- Sun, 00:46: RT @ ryanestrada: We wrote Banned Book Club because @ ironcircuscomix and I were SHOCKED that just 40 years ago, my wife @ BannedBookClubs wa…
- Sun, 01:11: RT @ BetteMidler: “ #MathewKacsmaryk has been a member of the Fort Worth chapter of the Federalist Society since 2012. He has been a member o…
- Sun, 01:15: RT @ RetroNewsNow: https://t.co/BZsqE3fMct
- Sun, 06:13: RT @ jilevin: 'Deplorable and reprehensible': Iowa halts 'victim compensation fund' covering 'emergency contraception' via AlterNet https://…