(no subject)

Mar 08, 2006 21:48

so. i have an annoucement.

i think that i am back. me. i had a really bad two month period and i think i am ok again. which is fantastic.

its just this amazing feeling insdie that nothing can bring me down. like i used to have. i love it. a;lsjdf;lasdjf;lasdjf;lasjdf
life is amazing, and too short to hold grudges and worry about the temporary stuff.

random side note: i miss mr huybers.

so anywyas, this morning definitely gets a ranking on the "worst practices ever" list.
we did the first two laps.

over and over.

no rest.
no breathing.

music off, sprint back, music on.

people breaking and puking in the gutters from not being able to handle it.

hyperventilating and hysterical crying during cooldown.

silence that could be shattered with a pin drop during snack break.

but nonetheless, jwpoejufa;lskfja;sl!!!!!!
im over it. im over synchro. its temporary. there is just so much more.
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