Feb 19, 2008 00:53
"[wavelength] frequency is a multiple that is the base structure exponent of a given mass"
- Imagine a circle. The diameter sets the curve. Spherical implications act of the same law.
"Multiples are only prime numbers when they are positive; negative are non-prime"
- later debunked; all numbers are merely imaginary-there is only infinity.
"Do you believe in better?"
- Who is the 'supreme being'?
"the past is limitless and vast. The future is inevitable. There is no perfection. Only harmony. There is always harmony. Just harmony differently tuned. Different"
- the ever unchanging enigma of existence
"Wavelengths. Color mirrors this philosophy; the relationships show the personality. Distance, commonality, size, relationship, all factors."
- The truth of the future lies in the simplest of things
"Circle. Center is point of view. Equational connection between circumference and distance or relationship of the center point. They are alike; multiples."
- The logicality of the "illogical"
"All positive numbers must have a negative counterpart because of logical necessity. Infinity is divisible (negative infinity) solely based on this principal"
- The congruence of thought
"Infinity implies "=". Since infinity is divisible all equations are thus plausible and congruent by means of the principal."
- Math teachers would shoot you for this outrage
"Time perception is directly related to size. Also there is no such thing as singularity. Everything has a counter part due to the face that nothing stays the same, ever. A standstill of time is merely false logic. Some believe the past is a standstill- Erroneous because the "past" is a subjective term implying that time is linear when it is not."
- think.. how fast the earth is spinning in relativity to it's size.. Speed is defined by the relativity between the observer and it's environment. A blink of an eye may be a millisecond of the "earth's perception", per say. Oneness.
"Our environment necessitates our subjective behavior. Time is 'one'; and not the numeral but merely the object of all matter. One is merely a name of something without a name because it encompasses everything and therefore is null to "incongruence."
- As close as taoism you can get without the religious part and the phony saint culture
My mind is a blunder mixed in cheap wine
Someone get me out of this imprisoned narrative