the little voice in my head just wont let me get with you

Aug 27, 2003 20:28

well, on monday night i never went to bed .. me and my friend kristen stayed up til 5:30am on tuesday, and left to go to manhattan .. we got to virgin records in timesquare for 7:15, and waited on line to buy hilary duffs cd, so that we could get the passes to meet her today .. so yesterday, i got home from the city at about 12, and went right to bed since i didnt sleep in like 26 hours and i woke up at about 8:30 pm .. so, today i woke up at 7:30, and we left to go back to the city at 11:30 .. we got there at around 1, and waited on line until about 5, and finally got to meet her .. omg, she is so incredibly nice .. she signed our cds and talked to us for a minute, and that was that .. she apologized that we had to wait so long, and thanked us for coming .. it was really sweet hehe .. seriously, you should all buy her cd and help support her! lol
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