shit hit the fan!

Dec 01, 2012 07:45

Bloody hell what a awful few days.

wednesday i had an app at doctors for meds and bloods. 
all was ok until 5 oclock when they rang me saying me potassium was 1.9 and i needed urgent treatment, they also said my body was going into shock, obv high risk of heart attack, vitamins low etc... this is all because i didnt have my feed for about a week prior to taking it out for the wedding etc.
my weight was 37.5kg on admission and i have gained 5kg of water weight with all the drips, does this come off?

anyway they did a mental health act assessment on me, 5 people were there, 2 from the EDU and my community consultant and 2 social workers. the 2 from EDU went in favour of getting me in on a 6 months section, i was screaming, crying begging them not to do it, it took a while BUT my community consultant agreed that if they put me in i would be dead in a week as i would NOT AGREE to any of feeding procedures or let them treat me. so basically i have a week to prove that i can manage and do feeds at home. I have to go into hospital every day for bloods done, even today and tomorrow (sat and sunday) and i have to see a dietition, which i will do once the referal comes back through as not seen my community deitition in a year, i have to gain weight...they said this 5kg will come off within the next 2 weeks. I am so lucky honest to god someone was watching over me that day, i could have NOT done another admission, he was right, i would die i would not of let them feed me in any way and if i could i would of killed myself rather than being stuck in a EDU.

So no more lax, they have prescribed movicol and fibre drinks, feed on every day and  going to try have about 200-350 cals a day food wise.
im freaking out about my weight, 5kg is alot to gain from IV drips and im pissed off at my psychologist who i HAVE to see each week as she was in favour for wanting me IP even though she knows ive never been happier or more content with life and my mood. ugh bitch.

i am so swollen, my eyes are so puffy, my face my hands everywhere, i do not look good....does anyone have any idea how to lose this naturally?

I'm taking all my meds now and K+ ones. I did my feed yday , ate 200cals and had some vodkas.

todays plans are usual house work, go for a sunbed, go see mam/dad etc, then go to hospital for bloods and to see kev, he will be getting the tube in his bowel today so im hoping its this morning so by visiting time at 2 he is back from surgery and he should be home monday.

i just need a little help with this water weight, everywhere is swollen esp my face! xox
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