Lately Tigger had been acting funny, he could jump as well any more and he had been losing weight. We thought it was just old age and the heat, but he started acting thirsty all the time and generally weird. Mom decided to take our poor little boy to the vet yesterday because we thought something was seriously wrong. The vet told Mom that his kidneys had stopped functioning and all of his organs were calcifying. We had the choice between putting him to sleep or attempting pump him full of drugs to stop the calcification and improve his kidney function for awhile. Unfortunately the drugs they would have given him wouldn't have cured him, just kept the disease progressing for a little while. We didn't want him to be in any pain, and since the treatment they suggested would only help minimally we decided to let him go.
Mom brought him home, and after work I came straight home to see him and cuddle him. It was noticeable that he wasn't feeling well, but he was happy, and got to go to all of his favorite places in the house. Mom and I held him and scratched him behind the ears and under the chin the way he liked it. He actually liked his cat carrier so it wasn't hard to get him to go in it. Daddy took him to the vet and then wrapped him up in some scrap fabric I had left over from Brigadoon. He had his favorite catnip mousey toy with him and Dad staid with him while he went to sleep.