Aug 21, 2004 22:14
[( Him )]
What's his name?: Steven
How old is he?: 16 Almost 17
What are his 3 best qualities?: he respects me, lol he eats well, and umm... i dunno...
His 3 worst?: His farts, temper, and acting different when around friends
What's his family like?: Annoying
How is he with kids?: Great :)
Does he treat you well? How?: that's a toughy
[( As A Couple )]
How long have you two been together?: 7 months in 5 days
How and when did you two meet?: In the 5th grade band
Did you know it was going to last?: no
Can you picture yourself spending your life with him?: yes
Do you want to have his children?: umm... right now i'm not planning on having children... but yeah i guess... if we stay together that long
What's the best memory you two ever had together?: When we first kissed... Which was Tuesday August 10th
The worst?: This Week
What's the best day you've ever shared?: the movies
Have either of you ever cheated?: NO!!!
If so, how did you deal with it?: I'd tell you that if I've cheated on him but never have...
Do you have names for your kids?: lol i don't... but i don't know about him...
What are they?: don't have any
What song makes you think of him?: hmm... alot of them
Out of all the little things he does, what's your favorite?: When he holds me close to him, and when he's blowing in my ear, how he respects me, and he hugs me when we're together...
What does he do that annoys you sometimes?: HIS FARTS
If you could some him up in what word, what would it be?:lol i don't have just one word for him
If you could tell him anything right now, what would it be? Say anything.: I love you, and i miss you so much, i just wanna be with you right now...
Are you in love with him?: yes
What's the sexiest thing about him?: The way he looks at me when he's holding me
Finally, are you really in love?: I think so
I got this out of liz's journal... i thought it'd be really easy to answer but, as i was going through all the questions it was really hard...
anyways i'm out
~i love you~