Because we are standing still in a world of kayos...

May 12, 2012 01:36

This wasn't planned she pleas but how could she honestly explain it to anyone?! No one knows how she has felt. There are just some things that a person must experience for themselves. She thought it was a one time deal. That she had lost it years ago. She finds herself reviving the past in her mind, searching for any clue as to how this happened. If she could just remember the first time it started maybe then she could
pin point it. Maybe then she could just explain it. All of a sudden before she knew it she was there again. She found herself smiling because of the simple thought of him. She's craving him. A simple look or touch to send her mind into a whirl wind of introspection. It's not as mindless as the first time. The first time there was no pre existing warning, the lesson was yet to be learned. But now... She knew exactly how this went. Is it fair for her too make assumptions based on other peoples mistakes? Not at all, she's well aware. It's human nature to fail once and become weary.

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