word, word, word...dracosApril 26 2004, 15:03:42 UTC
why against gay marriage, though? If americans had a more traditional sense of marriage- maybe some legal penalties for brittany spears getting married for 36 hours, you know, something other than banning homosexual marriage to defend heterosexual marriage, I'd be with you... But marriage is already treated like a joke in this country, why not let people who are seriously committed to one another in on it? I know you're not against gay marriage for religious reasons...
Re: word, word, word...xxundyingxxApril 26 2004, 17:17:51 UTC
I wasnt so sure I was going to answer this because when I told brandon I was against it I got reemed. But since you can ask without making me seem like a horrible person i'll answer. I honestly think marraige should just be b/w a man and woman. I really do. But your right, marraige is treated like a joke nowa days. And if one day a law passes that makes gay marraige legal, it wont be the end of the world or anything. I wont protest about it, or write letters, its just something I believe in. I did grow up in a very conservative family, but have no problems listening and trying to understand why people think it should legal as long as they dont make me seem like an evil person because of what I believe. I really think working with all liberals at PJ's is a good thing and its interesting on hearing their views. actually, they see me more as a moderate.. but back on subject.. its just personal view. Im wondering if Kerry is elected he will pass a law on it.
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