yoinked from brandon

Apr 26, 2004 15:47

Abortion?: Womens right to choose. The government should have no say so in what a women can do

Death Penalty?: agree on it, but the person would suffer more in jail.

Prostitution?: Legal brothels, nevada does it (I think)
that would cut down on the rise of HIV/AIDS like whoa

Alcohol?: Yes, please

Marijuana?: if alcohol is legal, weed might as well be

Other drugs?: Should stay illegal

Gay marriage?: Against it

Illegal immigrants?: Strongly against.

Smoking?: It's your body, but would be great if it was banned... what country did that? sweden? someone did it!

Drunk driving?: Terrible thing, I honestly think a device should be installed in all cars that checks your BAC before you can start your car.

Cloning?: BAD! I know its good for research and all, but having a human playing god is very very scary.

Racism?: Everyone's a little bit racist.

Premarital sex?: no problem with it

Religion?: none.

The war in Iraq?: Saddam needed to be taken out, but yea it seems hopeless now.

Bush?: *blank stare* I dont know anymore

Downloading music?: Im in college-automatically poor. It should be legal. Those people make tons of cash and have everything in the world, heaven forbid people d/l their music fo free *gasP*

The legal drinking age?: needs to be 18, but make the penalties for drunk driving that much stronger for those under 21.

Porn?: should be free.. this is why we have kazaa!

Suicide?: Coward's way out, but not I nor anyone has control over someone's stupid decision to off themselves.
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