Title - 20 letters from you Part 1
Chapter- 1/?
Pairing- Suzaku X Lelouch
Rating- Pg- NC17ish later
Author- ME
The 1st letter…
He nodded.
Another nod.
“Good morning Zero-Sama.”
He waved.
The corridor is quite busy today; was what he thought as he made his way through it. Zero was still somewhat of a celebrity; still after 2 years…how he missed those days where he could be alone in peace. Those days where he was with people who actually knew his true name.
But I can’t return to those days…right?
He turned around and smiled at the young lady.
“Good-Morning, your majesty.”
He kneeled down and bowed his head. Nunally smiled at him and then looked outside; “It’s a nice day isn’t it?”
Zero looked up at her confused but slowly looked at the window and gazed out to the outside world. It was sunny; a clear blue sky, with a soft breeze brushing the trees.
I guess it’s nice…
Nunally softly laughed and looked at Zero; “Ne, I have an idea…why don’t we go for some tea?”
Zero stared at her silently; kind of surprised by the random suggestion; “But your majesty, you have a meeting with the Prime Minister of England in 2 hours you need to prepare yourself…”
Nunally sighed; “Ne, Zero you’re so boring.”
He choked in shock at her words which earned him another laugh from the young empress; “I’m just joking; maybe next time then?”
Zero still shocked slowly nodded and bowed again as she drove off into the distance. He watched her figure fade away and as it disappeared he turned around and stood there.
For some odd reason or another, the hallway seemed empty now; no one was calling his name or greeting him; there was just an eerie silence which caused him to quietly call;
His Japanese accent was still apparent after all the years of mimicking Lelouch’s accent; and Zero’s voiced silently rang, echoing throughout the desolate corridors.
There was still silence; he softly smiled to himself and began walking once again.
It was worth a try…
It’s been nearly 5 years since I last saw you. I guess I’m getting use to being Zero…oh and I must apologize; your Zero suit has stretched quite a bit now…I guess it’d be a bit lose for you…if you ever came back… Haha…if…you…ever…
He dropped his pen and looked outside once again; the light from the sun barely made its way through his half closed curtains. He could see dust in the separate rays of light; solemnly dancing; spinning round and round.
“…do you forgive me?”
“Zero-Sama; it’s time!”
“Okay; I’m on my way.”
He hid his entry inside the drawer and ran to his bed picking up the famous Zero helmet.
This is my life now…This helmet is my everything now…
Slipping it onto his head; he took a deep breath.
It doesn’t smell like you anymore…
The sky was blue, a clear blue…
“By taking these measures I; Nunally Vi Britannia believe that Great Britain and Japan can come to an outstanding financial achievement.”
Zero stood there silently behind the empress feeling his eyes slowly closing. These kind of meetings were always boring and he hated it. He didn’t understand how Nunally could put up with them.
Half the time he didn’t understand what was going on; I guess I fail at being Zero… The true Zero was witty and smart. He also knew how to negotiate and do politics; however the new Zero wasn’t use to all these functions. Even after two years.
What would you do?
He looked up at the foreigner somewhat dazed;
“What do you think?”
And he suddenly remembered where he was;
“I believe it’s for the Empress and the Prime Minister to decide.”
Of course he would think that; he wasn’t even listening. He felt Nunally’s concerned gaze on him and tried to ignore it. Her gaze was asking him; “What’s wrong?”
And his answer behind the mask was; “Like you’d understand…”
Entering the private jet; Nunally kept constantly eyeing him, wondering what was wrong with the man who she was suppose to know the best in this new world. She began to think carefully; what could it be? Before she could answer she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Your majesty; I need to lift you up is that okay?”
Nunally stared at him then slowly nodded. Two strong arms were soon wrapped around her timid body and lifted her with ease. She looked up at the masked man wondering what his face may look like now. Would he look older? Would he look more mature? Or… maybe…would he look…sad?
Sadly she knew the only person to know would be Zero; himself.
Zero sighed heavily as he entered his chambers; he carefully closed the door and locked it so no one would be able to enter; he had two keys. One for himself and the other was placed next to Lelouch’s grave. Strange yes, but even though it finally sunk in that he was gone there was still a tiny glimpse of hope; that he would return one day and in case that day ever came Zero…no Suzaku would have wanted Lelouch to come here…into his locked up heart.
He threw his helmet onto his bed and sat down by his desk. The sun was gradually setting into the distance; and the stars were slowly making its way through the burning amber sky.
This is peace now for us…a silent night…a sky filled with stars and no blood shed…the sky never turns red anymore…just amber…it’s a nice amber though; I have to admit…
He took out his pen and reached inside of his drawer.
It wasn’t there; however an enveloped letter was. Frustrated he took a deep breath and let the air breeze out of his mouth. Who would dare go through his stuff while he wasn’t in? Well no one would, they all knew they weren’t allowed in his room with permission. He bit his lip feeling more annoyed.
“I don’t know what is going on; but the one responsible is going to pay…”
He looked inside the drawer at the letter and slowly reached for it.
What is this?
The envelope felt like roses; it was smooth, silky and delicate. What was this doing in his room? He turned the letter over and his eyes widened.
“Th-This handwriting? Impossible…I…”
His quivering hand slowly traced the calligraphy of his name written using the Alphabet.
Geez…when was the last time someone called me that…?
You are no longer Kururugi Suzaku…
He looked at the letter again and was reluctant to open it. What if it was some prank? Or some kind of hallucination? However his gut feeling was telling him to open it; whilst his head began alarming the warning bells.
“What should I do…?”
He shouldn’t read it; should he? He had to forget; because the boy he had killed…had this very same writing and by opening it the past two years of trying to forget would have been in vein.
Walk away Zero…
Suzaku…read it…
He stared at it for a few more seconds letting his mind rage a war amongst it self.
Ignoring his head he began to slowly open the envelope which made a quiet shredding sound as it opened. He flinched at the sound it was too loud…well for him it was; he was trying to be as quiet as possible.
God what am I doing? This is stupid, this is nonsense…
Inside was an A5 piece of paper folded in half. Zero slowly took it out and felt all his self-defences disintegrate. He was visibly shaking and he couldn’t bring himself to read it.
“Shit…what’s going on? What’s happening?”
Nothing seemed to make sense anymore; wasn’t he suppose to be dead? Well of course he was…after all Zero did kill…
He sighed and looked at the folded piece of paper in his hands once again.
“I guess…it wouldn’t hurt…”
And with those words he slowly opened the piece of paper.
It’s nice to hear from you; how have you been?
Life here is quiet…unexpectedly. Is Nunally alright?
I miss you terribly did you know that? I guess not.
I guess I forgive you for stretching my Zero suit, not totally…ha…
I’ll be coming to visit you soon; and don’t worry I have your key.
I can’t wait to see you…
Zero’s…no Suzaku’s eyes widened in shock. When did he write to him? He never did…Did he?
He suddenly ran to his drawer and threw them open looking for all the entries he had ever written. They were all gone; all of them. How could they have disappeared…unless…
“He’s a live?”
He looked at the letter again and a smile for the first time in a while made its way to his cold; hardened face.
“Yeah…he is…maybe…”
He embraced the paper, pressing it against his chest in relief that maybe there was hope that he was alive…however this maybe was just a hallucination, nonetheless he secretly deep down wanted to believe that he was alive. That Lelouch was alive. And Lelouch was coming for him. He was coming to see him. He looked out at the star filled sky and smiled;
This is our peace now…a star filled sky…silent and beautiful…and it connects me to you…
http://xxtsubasaxx.livejournal.com/6124.html#cutid1<------------- Part 2