Baby in the Hub pt2

Jun 19, 2008 22:15

 Summary: There's a baby in the Hub....chaos ensues... Doctor Who crossover eventually
Warning: PG
Hints: More Gwen bashing inside

“Morning Gwen. Have a nice time with Rhys?”

Gwen Cooper was treated with the exceedingly strange sight of her boss, Captain Jack Harkness wearing a tea towel with the Welsh flag on it over his shoulder and feeding a stubborn Ianto with a bottle.

He stepped back smoothly, opening the hidden door into the Hub and following her inside, after turning the sign on the front door to ‘closed.’

“Fine Jack. How was Ianto? Not too much trouble I hope.”

Gwen looked awkwardly at Jack, wincing inside as she realized that she had bought him to a subject that she hadn’t wanted to and was not sure how he was going to respond to her questions.

Walking out of the lift together, Gwen couldn’t help but notice the expression of care on Jack’s face as he carefully moved Ianto in his arms, making sure that the little boy could get to all the remaining milk in the bottle. Gwen felt a small amount of jealousy that something so small could attract the attention and obvious love from such a large and bubbly personality.

“He was a perfect little angel, surprisingly; considering that most of the time he has a wicked tongue and has got me into all sorts of trouble with UNIT. Mind you that was mostly my fault, but that doesn’t matter now. He seemed a bit shy of me when he woke up, but he’s fine now. I sorta ordered some stuff that I’m expecting today, just in case it takes a while for him to change back. Also, we can’t take him on missions, so he’s gonna have to stay with someone in the Hub when we go out.”

Toshiko waved vaguely at her, already trying to decode some alien text that had been sent through, not bothering with anything else. This was what she was good at, what she did best and she enjoyed it.

Jack smiled to himself privately as Owen slouched over and complained loudly at having to make the coffee for everyone else. While having Ianto as a baby would cause endless problems, he knew that possibly this was going to be his only chance to earn pure and uncomplicated trust from his lover, and the team were bonding together well, becoming even stronger than it had seemed possible.

“Well Owen. It seems like the Hub has a new Tea-Boy. I hope that you can live up to our expectations, they’re pretty high.” Jack let a grin form on his face, watching the annoyance flash across Owen’s face as he rose to the bait.

“Well, Yan’s gonna be pissed when he sees what you’ve done to you office and room Jack. It looks like a bloody fairy lives there! Where did you get that stuff from, ‘I scare kids 4 a living are us?’”

Tosh grinned mischievously. “At least Jack can tell the difference between a female corpse and a male one!”

Owen glared. “Let it go! That was ages ago!” He raised his hands in frustration and walked towards Jack.

“Harkness! You’ve left stuff out from the medical supplies. I need that stuff! Come see.” He dragged him by the arm down into the Autopsy room, and turned to face him with a glare.

“Seriously Jack. We need that stuff. What if something goes wrong on the field, ‘Oh don’t worry! It’ll be all fine. I’ll just give you a Band-aid to cover that mutilated arm!’ I order that stuff for a reason.”

Jack consented, rolling his eyes at Owen. “I do know that Owen. That’s why there’s some packages arriving today. There’s more medical equipment and supplies inside those boxes. There something else?”

He was patting Ianto on the back, encouraging him to ‘burp’ and was soon happy to let the cheerfully gurgling child to play with his hair.

Owen was staring at the infant, a slightly curious look on his face.

“What’s so different ‘bout Ianto? ‘Part from the two hearts and all that,” waving his arms nonchalantly Owen appeared totally relaxed and not caring about the answer, as usual.

“Weeeeell,” Jack smirked inwardly at the exasperated look in Owens eyes, trying to see how long it would take for him to crack, then just tossing that idea aside and going with his original plan.

“He was born on a planet that was basically outside of time, his race was known for travelling around all the universes watching and supervising most events, then his race got into a Time War with the Daleks-yes they were at Canary Wharf, then both the Daleks AND the Time Lords died, the Time Lords sacrificing themselves for the rest of the Universe and all the other ones. Also, he can’t die. He’ll just regenerate, but he can be just like me instead of regenerating. Regenerating, he’ll change his face and personality and still be the same person. His father is one of the greatest and truest person you’ll ever meet. Fighting for every race he meets. His Godfather is one of the most evil Time Lords, and completely insane. He died, but I have reason to believe that he’ll come back, he apparently wants to take over the Universe and kill all the humans, but made an oath not to hurt his Godson. And overall, he travels in time. That good enough?”

Owen just gaped.

fic, gwen bashing, jack/ianto, baby in the hub

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