Jun 19, 2008 21:53

Rated PG but may go up...
Summary: JackIanto. Ianto is always seen at the Hub, always working late, never leaving. What happens if he goes to a meeting and something goes wrong. Something comes back from his past to hurt him and the team race to save him.
Disclaimer:  Yada Yada Ya…the usual stuff…don’t own them and never will…read my story and please don’t sue!
WARNING: This isn't Gwne bashing but just in case you get offended be warned!

“Left here,” Toshiko’s quiet voice cut cleanly through the silence in the SUV. Gwen was knocked sharply against Owen as they were roughly slammed to the side, turning the corner.

“Jack, getting us all killed won’t help Ianto. Slow down.” Gwen said tersely. The SUV skidded sharply around another corner.

“Gwen. That ship landed eight days ago. Ianto was meant to be back three days ago. The meeting was on the second day; so he’s probably been captured and if he’s not already dead, he would be in a very bad way; so I really don’t think that you should be complaining.”

Gwen looked down, ashamed as she had automatically assumed that Ianto was fine. She knew that because he didn’t always contribute or join in with their conversations, she had been taking him for granted. She looked at Owen, but he had been ignoring her since she had told Rhys that he’d forced himself on her.  Owen didn’t understand how important it was to keep Rhs. She needed him.

Owen could feel Gwen’s gaze on him, but he knew that no matter what he wasn’t going to pretend that nothing had happened. While she might think that it was okay to have an affair like that, and at the time he couldn’t have said no, even if his complication did reprimand him for it afterwards.

They turned another corner and Owen watched as the lights glinted against Tosh’s hair and he strained to hear her softly spoken voice. He had felt some attraction towards her since he had first met her, but he knew it would never happen so he had distracted himself with Suzie and Gwen and any other person he could find. But now, since all his affairs were over; he was noticing her more and more. He sighed slightly, resting his body as much as possible as the report Ianto had written suggested that all his medical skills would be needed rather than his field experiences.

Toshiko continued to call out instructions, only just managing to keep hold of her profession mask while inside the worry was gnawing away at her stomach making her nervous. Ianto was her friend and since the incident with the Brecon Beacons they had both gone out of their way to look out for each other.

Ianto was very shy at first appearances; but once you got past that he had a very happy and vibrant personality. They had started going to the movies together and Ianto had shown her some of the nicer things in Wales. She didn’t want to stop any of that any time soon; loosing Ianto would be loosing her last lifeline to the outside world and she was determined not to turn out like Suzie.

Jack clenched his fingers tightly on the steering wheel, only loosening the muscles in his arms just enough to turn the wheel. HE knew that everyone would say that it wasn’t his fault but he couldn’t help but feel guilty. It was his fault that Ianto was on his own and either seriously injured or hurt, as they hadn’t been called  and if Ianto had escaped, Jack knew that he would have certainly done so. He felt his eyes burn wit unshed tears and he brought his hand up to angrily swipe at them. How could he cry when he knew that whatever he felt would be nothing at all compared to what had been happening to his lover. Ianto…Jack sighed. Not knowing what was going on was killing him. Even though he was mad with worry he couldn’t help but appreciate how fast his team got together when they had found out that Ianto was in danger. Despite all appearances, and the constant teasing, even Owen was pulling his full weight, trying to find their lost team member. He felt some of his anxiety leave him as he saw the turn off to the town where Ianto was staying.

He quickly checked his gun while still looking ahead, using a more modern weapon than his usual Webley that he chose to use against the aliens of Cardiff.

“Were here,” he announced into the cars silence. “Be careful. Shoot first, ask questions later, but remember that our first priority is to find Ianto.”

They were parked in front of an old stone hall, which that locals had said on the phone that it hadn’t been opened in four days. The windows were shaded entirely and the locals had also mentioned that it was completely sound proof.

Every other member of Torchwood looked at each other in the same moment and shivered as they each imagined in their own way, Ianto screaming and clawing, trying to get away from the image that Jack had supplied but instead being caught and dragged back.

Taking a deep breath, Jack led them forwards, sliding open the bolts quietly after checking with Tosh that it was safe to do so. Owen and Gwen went  in on his signal, entering the blackened room cautiously, straining their eyes and just making out the shape of someone strapped to a chair near the wall directly next to the door.

A voice, reaching out of the darkness startled them all, but carried on undisturbed.

“You, you really shouldn’t be here.”

just an ordinary break from work, jack/ianto

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