Apr 11, 2006 16:33
you know,...i've been writing in this journal since my sophomore year in college and i think this is the longest "break" i have taken in my updates. for that i send my sincerest apologies.
i graduate on may 6.
i have no idea what i'm going to do.
i've realized that i'm too burnt out on school to go to law school right away.
the good news is i'm graduating with 3 degrees and i'm hoping to get in at either Lilly or another law firm.
the bad news is i don't know where i want to live.
my options (and actual places i'm considering) : georgia, hawaii, NYC (live in NJ work in the city), washington DC, ohio, and indy (LAST resort.)
more good news: jay is moving with me.
bad news: i feel horrible making him pick up his life and go with me on my little adventure.
switching modes:
david and i now have the apartment to ourselves.
we evicted vicki and i'm not going to lie...it's been amazing.
finally i don't have to worry about drama and my career being in jeopardy.
i'm not gonna lie...i miss having my friendship with her though. we were best friends and now we're basically enemies.
i wish her the best and i hope that no matter how much she wishes for me to fail, i wish that she gets the life she never had.
i have my internship at a law firm in downtown indy this summer.
i wrote a letter and was granted early graduation status, for those of you who were confused.
it would be nice if they applaud my efforts and offer me ajob or can assure me a job with an "allied firm."
i have senioritis so bad.
i don't want to go to anymore classes.
i've been skipping so many classes i''ve lost count.
my brain hurts.
i want a break.
i need money.
i wish i could win the lottery.
ps, i'm in love with jay crawford.
the end.