Feb 22, 2006 11:06
i haven't updated in a while.
i apologize.
even though i'm the only one that reads this.
things have been grand.
i finally have a guy that appreciates me.
and i appreciate him.
downside: he lives in ohio and i only get to see him on the weekends. this used to be ok for my other relationships...i like my space...but i just want to spend all my time with him. it's a different thing for me. we don't get in arguments. and we play off each other so well. all my friends like him...for once...and he likes all my friends. right now it's good...and that's all i'm going to say because i don't want to do the stupid girly thing and gush and get all mushy because the next thing you know...my next entry will be about how he broke my heart.
so there you go.
jay, you make me happy.
moving on...
i've developed a new theory on my studies. it seems that when i study hardcore for an exam...i get a mediocre score. however, when i don't study at all or just cram moments before the exam...i get really high scores. i have come to the conclusion that i will no longer be studying for my exams. if my scores don't improve, i will just throw out this theory and move on to something better that will work for me. however, if my theory is right i'm writing a book. for all those students out there who aren't studying and want to justify their procrastination (or just plain laziness) they can purchase my book and make explicit references to it when debating with their professors. it's genius. except for the fact that those students who exercise this type of behavior will probably put off buying my book and i will therefore become bankrupt and then go in to exile in brooklyn.
another theory...i have (correction HAD) this amazing friend. we used to spend a lot of time together and we could always make each other laugh. then...this friend started to make some really bad decisions about his/her life. they decided to live in the here and now. and although i don't condemn that entirely, i really think that this person should be considering their options for the future. i miss my best friend. i want the best for them...but i'm really afraid that the choices they are making in the here and now are going to ultimately fuck up the rest of their life. i don't want him/her to make that mistake. i know everyone has to make their own mistakes and learn from them, but this is a pretty big potential life altering mistake that he/she is making. the people you surround yourself with determine the type of person you are. you will always be yourself, but your atmosphere alters how you grow as an individual. think about that.
i repeat. i want my best friend back.
so...because of my complete inability to finish my responsibilities on time...i have to forego law school for a year. i'm kinda disappointed in myself. this is what i really want/wanted...and i couldn't push myself to study for the LSATs and take them on time.
because of my lack of ambition, i will be attending IUPUI and getting my master's degree in criminal justice. i really don't want to get my master's degree, nor do i especially want to do so at IUPUI. however, if i'm not a continuous full time student at a university...i lose my health insurance and we all know what that means....if i don't go SOMEWHERE to school next year..i can kiss that operation to give me a peg leg goodbye.
i'm going to ohio this weekend.
i meet his parents.
i'm nervous.
even though his mom said, "she's a devil woman like me!"
so i'm not so intimidated now.
oh. my iPod died. i was sad. especially since it pooped out on me 2 weeks after my warranty ended. but alas, i'm actually glad i have a GM mastercard. did you know that they automatically double the manufacturer's warranty on any item you purchase with said card? i didn't. but they do. i get a brand new iPod. FOR FREE. BAJAM! and now i'm happy. and i just started a "sentence" with "and," twice.
so spring break. we were SUPPOSED to go to NYC. that fell through. it's ok. we're going to the family condo in sanibel. FOR FREE. i'm seriously excited. a week on the beach with NO responsibilities. i'm going to be a mexican when i get back. maybe then pitbull or daddy yankee will want to marry me. i hope so. i heart them.
i think that's all i got.
i love being random.
aaaaaand i'm spent.