Happy Birthday Mulder:)

Oct 13, 2009 14:23

How can I forget my g-man's birthday:)

The world met this unique FBI agent when the pilot episode of The X Files was aired in 1993 on Fox network.
As the episodes passed by,we learned a lot of things about Fox Mulder.But the most important thing that was revealed in the first episode was the abduction of his sister,Samantha Mulder.

What makes Mulder so special and interesting? His obsessions?
I can't answer this question with couple of words myself.However his unstoppable to expose the truth and his unwillingness to quit his quests throughout the series was one of the reasons to make him unforgettable character for me.You know,tell the truth Fox Mulder is more than a tv character to me,like the show itself.I may abandon all the stuff I listed as my interests one day but I'm damn sure he will be always there,like a part of me,my life.
You can say "get a life!" but I assume my fellow x-phile friends understand what I mean.

Once I read an article or sth for Mulder with the title "King of Pain" Since he's lost Samantha,we see that Mulder tends to feel quilty almost everything (heh,the writers help a LOT on that issue)

We know Mulder had a degree on physchology and we have a couple of wonderful profiler episodes like Grotesque.I say even today,no character portrayed as FBI agent or profiler on the tv is cooler than Mulder.Yeah...even with the fluffy hair of season 1:p

Speaking of Grotesque,I'm always interested in pre-X Files career of Mulder.He was called like golden boy of the bureau but when he starts to pursue x files,he becomes the joke of the FBI.Yet apparently as Scully states once,they are afraid of Mulder,what's he capable of even if they create nicknames like Spooky

Well,his pre-x files girl friends are usually bitch...and they are written as manipulative and they confuse Mulder whenever they jump into X Files universe.Fowley should be rewarded with a golden medal for this.Yet things change so much soon.

Mulder's family and their relationship with the conspiracy was one of the most important things in mythology for me.I guess I'm one of the rare philes who actually enjoyed episodes like Travelers:D

Mulder's office.I still can't watch the scene Vienen when he leaves without taking anything,even his sister's picture.

Overprotective Mulder *melt-down*

I had thousands of screen captures Mulder in my hard drive (still have) and when I realized that they were so messed up in one folder,I remember sorting them out with the themes like "mulder office","Mulder gun","mulder smiling"...
and yes I feel pretty much normal:)

A personal fetish...rolled up sleeves of Mulder.

The last season I enjoyed was s7 and after that I denied what happened to my favorite show,my favorite character.
Now I made peace with the last two seasons,with the characters I hated at the first place.

But I'm still bitter about how the things went wrong.Putting Mulder into the grave for months...
was so wrong.
You know what the weird thing is?I know that he will be back and will be breathing but I cry (no,not just going teary) whenever I watch the ending of Requiem and This is not happening.TINH is probably the last myth-arch episode I cared.
So guess I don't watch these episodes very often cause everytime I have to remind "this is for just an episode!"

but he still rocked with orange suites:D

The writers may screw with the character in later seasons but he will be always my favorite agent who is ready to jump to the universe of unknown.

I'm using my brother's laptop now and I had to use the images saved in my USB.
He has photoshop cs4 which was difficult to use for me at first because I'm so used to my old school PS7:)

anyways...it may take time while the pictures are uploading.

the x files, fox mulder

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