Who is your Fallen Idol?

Oct 09, 2009 16:28

yeah here's weekly routine of SPN posts:D

Fallen Idol
Screencap credit:here

1.Omg,yes! Paul McGillion is on Supernatural!It's like a crossover of SGA&SPN.I don't even know how I feel if I see Joe Flanigan with Jensen Ackles.
Hmm probably that would cause a spontaneous combustion of me:D Speaking of Joe,how awesome to see his Gramery Park promos finally?I'm dying to see him in a new project,hopefully he will announce sth very soon *crosses her fingers*

aww,I miss Paul's Beckett accent:)

Fact:It was awesome to see PM as a fan-boy *smirks*

2.So boys are together.Yet don't you ever dare to think that drama is over.I guess you will see what I mean in following scenes.
Although I'm satisfied with the direction of the show,I miss their old school hunting:D

Fact:is sad for less of McGillion:(

3.Back to the plot: I totally loved Christie reference.I still haven't read that book of S.King:( neither have seen the movie adaptation.I want to read it like for ages but haven't bought the book yet.

Fact:Jensen has gorgeous eyes!

yet another point: don't you wanna resurrect as that yellow pencil?mmm,now that sounds kinky

4.lol,the boys are the same.Dean's hanging around the bar while Sam's doing all the research.
God,I miss flirty Dean:)

5.But Sam is pissed off about what's going on.
You know I'm trying to understand him but don't you think he's a bit whiny in this episode? I don't name Dean as the most innocent human being in the universe-after all like he said he broke the first seal but I'm comin' up for this subject later

6.Let's keep going on joy of the moment.I liked the story behind those weird deaths.Idols are going after their fans.
Ummm,now I wonder which celebrity can haunt me?I'm sure the first person on this list would be DD,then G.Clooney and followed by fictional characters I'm totally obsessed with:Fox Mulder,and yes Dean Winchester,John Sheppard...
ok,I'd be dead in nano-second:D

Fact:Dean is effin' cute!

oh,yeah!I need an icon of that moment!

7.I thought they had only one lap-top.Hmm,this means they got their own lap-tops when they went their separate ways.
They look geeky:D

8.Now the moment I've been waiting since I heard the news that Paris Hilton would be guest star(it was annoying to see her name as "special guest star",btw)I don't know whether something wrong with me but her appearance didn't me bother at all.I have to admit her delivery of some lines-which she was talking about the goddess-was pretty cringe-worthy.I wish she didn't talk that much.Other than this,I can live with that:D

Fact: I can never say "nayyy" to tied up boys:D

Fact:Sam's puppy face when Dean says "I haven't even seen House of Wax" made of WIN

Background about House of Wax:God,yes I watched this movie with my bff back in the day and we were almost gonna cry when Jared's character was dead.But I had no idea "Sam" was the same boy when I watched Supernatural pilot episode.
lol,I think I was blinded by Dean.

Fact:This is so wrong to feel lustful for this gif,right?

9.LMAO,forever!Dean's a** is kicked by Paris Hilton.Now that was priceless.

I'm not sure if I sound a wacko but I laughed so much at her death scene.
It was kinda creepy:eek:

10.ok,although I enjoyed every single moment in this episode,I have confused feelings about this part.
First of all,Dean presents a fact.Neither of them was not aware of they broke the seals.That's solid fact.But IMHO,there is a huge difference.Dean warned Sam like thousands of times about the demon blood but instead of listening to his OWN brother,Sam chose going with Ruby.Ok,his intention was for the right thing but wasn't he thirst for power?
It was Sam again to blame Dean for being weak as he was broke because of torturing the souls.He was the one keeping secrets about Azazel's feeding him with demon blood.I'm not saying that Dean didn't keep any secrets from Sam,sure he did,too.But for how long?
On the other hand,Dean said big yes to stop being tortured no more, in HELL.There can't be more terrifying thing than turning into a devil you've hunted.
I'm sorry my thoughts about Sam irks you but that's how I feel about Sam.Although my all time favorite is Dean,I love Sam too.I truly do.
I love the duo between them.What makes Supernatural is a great show not solo Dean or solo Sam but their being together.
It's just he was not the same since the end of season 2 to me.I had hopes for him from the start of the season but I felt the same awkard stuff for him again while watching this episode.
But I liked his last speech about himself.No one can blame him more than he already does.And maybe there should be changes in their relationship--not Winchest styles,guys:P--

oh,Dean is apologizing...that's why I love him so much.

Fact:The leather jacket is back!Frakkin' YEAH!

Anyways...Are these guys trying to explode the fandom?
I just died while watching "soon" preview video clips

They are going to be EPIC

awww,I want to keep him in my pocket like a cutie key chain:D

Dean:You betcha!

LOLOLOL,looks like they are stuck in a hospital drama.

can't wait!

Happy weekends,everybody:)

recap, supernatural

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