Have a little faith

Sep 03, 2009 14:39

There's been long time since I finished watching the first season of Early Edition,yet haven't posted an entry about it.
It's hard to find caps of old tv shows but it's easy,sort of,if it was popular back in the day.See,I have a bad habit of having love for unpopular,I mean... usually:)
Anyways,I capped the rest of season 1,too.Not the greatest caps,you can see.Also,Kyle Chandler parts only.Speaking of Kyle,I miss Coach Taylor so much!


hah,the woman is George Clooney's ex-wife,Talia Balsam:D

finally a darker one


1.08 The Gun
1.09 His Girl Thursday
1.10 The Wrong Man
1.11 Christmas
1.12 Frostbit
1.13 Mob Wife
1.14 The Wall Part I
1.15 The Wall Part II
1.16 Bat Masterson
1.17 Jury
1.18 Psychic
1.19 The Cat
1.20 The Phantom at the Opera
1.21 Faith
1.22 Dad
1.23 Love is Blind

When I think about it,I realize it must be first tv show ever I followed, even before The X Files!But I couldn't remember much of it,except for Love is Blind.Guess this may be the first episode I had seen.
Today there are so many tv shows sharing similar plots around.If the show is accepted by the viewers as good or has higher ratings,then you can see its spin-offs like CSI(the only CSI show I care is the original one and I haven't watched it like ages).With new season,more shows appear.Some of them are renewed or canceled even before finishing the first seasons.And yeah sometimes it's not enough for the show to be good.It's like impossible to survive without reasonable ratings,nobody's safe.The best example for this,Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles.I caught the re-runs of the second season and saw the season 1 marathon on the tv.Just to announce it as the one I would see in the next season,I heard that it was canceled.Thank you,Fox!
So I must be thankful that Early Edition was aired in the mid-90's.Otherwise it would be unlikely to see it having four seasons:)
Of course things change,you don't see like you did for the first time.There are some cheesy episodes along the season 1 or boring but still watchable with its cute optimism:)
I really enjoyed Christmas,Dad and Jury.There were fun moments to make me smile even if I was feeling not so good.
But "Wall Part I" and "Wall Part II" are possibly the best episodes of season 1.It has darker atmosphere and the plot of the episode was quite interesting(Damn,I wanted to watch Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man,an X Files episode, throughout the episode.Heh,after all CSM was the one to assassinate JFK,right?)You see the show could be more than it was with that gloomy mood.Yet it was basically a family show that you can watch without thinking so hard,like you do for Lost,lol.simply entertaining:)

Also the episode "Faith".It sounds similar to second episode Choice.That must be the key episode of s1 with Choice,Wall p1-2.Hmm,notes for myself...next time I'll picspam "The Wall" for EE.

The episode starts with Chuck's whining about the paper and telling Gary that the stuff from the paper didn't even surprise him,anymore.

Although the paper says,there's gonna be an accident.However the event doesn't occur.Instead of this,Gary is run over a car with the plate DUDE4.

In the next scene,Gary opens his eyes in a hospital room.He sees a vision of little girl saying that she's his guardian angel.

Staying unconscious for hours,he wakes up and the first thing he asks is the paper.

a nice surprise.Robert Picardo is seen as the doctor.aww,SGA:( *sighs*

The doctor tells him he has to stay for some tests.

While waiting for the nurse,he notices sth under the stretcher.

Gary realizes that she is the young girl whom he sees before in his room.Possible she's trying to wake Gary while he's unconscious.

The girl is kinda annoying...

Gary is worried whether the paper will show up.Although the cat appears in his room,there's no sign of the paper.So he begins looking for it.

Rachel,little girl,takes the paper.Since she's smart,she understands what's going on!

But then he learns that she's waiting for a new heart.

He talks about the condition of her with the doctor.Meanwhile the paper takes attention of the doc.When he wants to take it,Gary refuses saying it's yesterday',lol.

Stucked in the hospital,Gary finds a case needs to be taken care of.Since he can't leave the hospital yet,he wants Chuck to go the place and stop the kids.

He visits Rachel in her room.The girl notices that he learns the truth about her,heh cause he's not grumpy with her anymore.Rather disappointed,she takes him to the top of the building.

have to say this,Kyle Chandler is really boyish in s1:D

Meanwhile Chuck can't stop the boys.Furthermore,his car is stolen.

Hearing the news,Gary feels it's time to leave but the signs of concussion shows itself.

Following day,the cat makes him pay attention to the news on the paper.According to the news,Rachel will be dead because of the surgery she's supposed to be cured.

He tells the doctor,who doesn't believe in him at first but checking the results,she calls off the operation.

But Rachel is pretty upset.She's also angry with Gary saying he has no faith.LMAO,that's supposed to be a sad scene but I was thinking why Gary looks so cute, well and cool at the same time,with the paper in his jacket.

The dilemma of the plot comes here.Next morning,Gary sees that Rachel will get a new heart and is happy.When he talks about this with Chuck and Marissa at the cafe,he sees another news on the paper.A young boy will be killed in an attempt to robbery.Chuck notices that he is the same kid who steals his car with his friend.

Gary is so confused and says "I'm not playing god here".But when he arrives at the hospital,he sees Rachel's condition is getting worse.

Not knowing what to do,he waits.He has to make a similar choice like before but I think this time,it's open to debate.Which one are you going to save?A young,sweet girl or a criminal boy?If you let the boy die,the little girl will be saved.

Like the doctor says,"you do what you have to do"
He goes to the scene that the robbery will be taken place of.He tells kids go away.The boy's name that the paper says will be killed is Eddie.When Gary yells his name,his friend gets suspicious and points a gun to Gary.Eddie saves from Gary being shot and the other boys can't trigger twice but flees.We see that the car he's driving has the same plate "DUDE4".

Eddie calls Gary to wake up,saying you're hurt but Gary keeps lying on the floor.In the next scene,he opens his eyes at the hospital again.

Walking through the corridor,he sees a cup of coffee or sth?and keeps his hands on it... guess can't help feeling something is not right.You know these scenes reminds me of the ones Dean wakes up in "In My Time of Dying".Maybe Gary is living something like out of body experience,too.

Later he sees that paramedics,rushing with a patient.

He steps into operation room and he sees that the patient is Rachel.Nobody in the room seems to notice them which can support that out of body experience.For Rachel,we see *her spirit* going back later.
When he opens his mouth saying "but the paper says",she tells Gary "leave the paper and have faith".

so he leaves

We hear the monitors beeping and then the sound of the heartbeat.While I was thinking it was Rachel's,it turns out that the patient lying is actually Gary himself.The doctor tells Rachel finds another heart.A young is killed in a car accident and there's a match.As you can guess the heart is other boy's...

A month later,Chuck and Marissa visit Rachel, playing with Gary in his room.

Just as they are leaving,they see Eddie waiting outside.

One of the things I love about EE is voice-overs at the beginning and the end.The episode ends with Chuck's narrating.

"Maybe it's chance that turns people's lives around. Maybe it's something more. Maybe it's believing what could be. After all, something's you know, something's you never will. Tomorrow's newspaper or not. Sometimes you have to leave it in other hands, sometimes you just have to go on faith"

old tv shows, recap, early edition, screencaps, kyle chandler

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