Jump Out The Window With Your Hands On Your Buttocks

Mar 30, 2006 21:48

I spent the whole evening downloading music (finally got Limewire- it's love) instead of doing math. I just did a half hearted version of a journal entry (writing and math should NOT go together) and told my mother there is no way in hell I'm doing the term test tomorrow. It's optional and I'll fail so there's no point in stressing. She said fine, as long as I studied over the weekend.

This is going to be one busy weekend! Guitar after school tomorrow, Hedley concert with Toni after that, get back around midnight. Saturday I'm going to Freddy's tourniment for most of the morning and afternoon. Sunday I have to do math, study for my science test on Wednesday, and hopefully catch up on all my chores. And maybe… sleep? At least Friday and Saturday should be fun.

And, my gosh, I nearly died- my MOTHER was talking to FREDDY'S MOTHER. I know, silly thing to freak about, but they just started making plans for Saturday and pick up times and stuff and then, being mothers, they started talking. One thing I heard- "He's 5"8? Aw, Jilly's only 5"2!" I was just like… what are they talking about?! I'm sure he was doing the same on the other end. Honestly, mothers.

Today was okay. I'm sure I failed my math quiz (and then came home and did the homework perfectly- I just don't get it, I think I just must be freezing) so I was sulking and being bitchy, but I didn't want to tell anyone. Toni probably guessed. Freddy was clueless and kept asking what was wrong. I kept saying "I hate you! I hate everything!" and pushing him away. Thankfully, he's an idiot, so he kept cuddling back up to me and completely ignoring my protests. Which was what I needed. He's so sweet, he keeps pushing my hair out of my eyes and kissing me on the cheek and stuff (no, we haven't kissed yet, I'm determined it's going to be special- though he was trying to kiss me today, but I wouldn't let him) and today he gave me a present! It's so random, but I love it. A dolphin air freshner! Okay, I told him about two weeks before we started dating, that I liked dolphins and he's remembered. It's amazing. Also, he got me a one week anniversary pretsent!!! More dolphins! A really pretty glass block thing with two dolhpins in it. And today (he was really hyper, by the way, very unlike himself- and also very cute!) Emily asked how long we'd been together and (I couldn't pull it out of my head that quikcly, I stop counting after the first week) he says, quick as anything, "One week and two days." He remembers. He actually cares. I feel so special.

He pinched me today, though! We were hugging in the parking lot and I was enjoying pinching his back because I liked the way it made him wiggle and arch (it just amused me) and then he turned around and pinched me in the side! I wouln't talk to him for like five minutes. Mostly because I was so surpirsed. I didn't mind, though. Everytime he dominates I have to smile. Yeah, I like not having control. God knows I don't have it mentally anymore. His injuries of today (yeah, I'm still abusing him): two bite marks on either arm, pinches on his back, one deep one on his wrist, and one bite on his shoulder, or by his collerbone. I'll admit, the shoulder and collerbone was only because then he'd pull his shirt down. Heh.

I'm a bit worried about Saturday. He tends to kind of over-train and stuff and he already told me there's a good chance he'll break/sprian something in the tournament. Seeing him get hurt will make me crazy. I mean, I'M allowed to hurt him, but nobody else is.

Random news: Allesha and Brad, the most popular couple in the school, broke up. It was two or three years this May, I can't remember which. Then again. They've broken up twice this year already. But it bothers me, since they were going to get married and stuff. Tiffany's story- "Brad is an ass and she is SO through with him." But I know Brad, he's a good guy. I hope it's temporary. Speaking of couples- Justin seems to make Holly really happy. So I approve. Even though I don't like him. And I really don't see how they're compatible. But whatever.

I have 77 new songs on my MP3 player. That makes me happy. I think I'll go read now. Because I'm blathering. And nothing really happened today. My mind is buzzing, though. Porbably because I know how busy the weekend is going to be. But Hedley totally makes up for it!! "If I never loved you, then I wouldn't cry…"
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