25th Icon Post

Jun 05, 2011 21:37

Well another week passed everyone ahah, this tuesday i'm getting a new addiction to my family, his name is Joshua (will be when he gets here) and i don't really know if i'll be spending much time on the computer next week because i'll be taking care of my new baby doggy <3 (still waiting for Shakes to come back, when he does he'll have a little brother to take care of *hearts*)
btw guys i love to have new friends, so here's my plurk and here's my tumblr! just say who you are and i'll add you!

Resonance of Fate: 42
AIR TV: 28
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: 36
Wallpapers of Madoka Magica: 4 (8 with vars)
Tumblr Madoka Magica: 1
Plurk Madoka Magica: 1


M o n d a y❀

T u e s d a y❀

W e d n e s d a y❀

T h u r s d a y❀

F r i d a y❀

S a t u r d a y❀

S u n d a y❀

1280x800 ;; 1440x900

1280x800 ;; 1440x900

1280x800 ;; 1440x900

1280x800 ;; 1440x900

♥ Rules
♥Comments would be good :) ♥
♥Credit to yunie_sigh  or xxpyrography 
♥Textless icons are not bases
♥Don't claim as yours, don't hotlink and don't edit in any way
♥Enjoy :) ♥!

tumblr, air, wallpapers, puella magica, plurk, resonance of fate, !yunie_sigh

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