Hey guys, i'm sorry for being late but i had my best friend sleeping over for the weekend and naturally i was paying him more attention than the internet C: the themes are little so well yeah next sunday i'll be doing more !
Resonance of Fate: 10 Tales of Graces: 21 Clannad: 25
M o n d a y❀
T u e s d a y❀
W e d n e s d a y❀
T h u r s d a y❀
F r i d a y❀
S a t u r d a y❀S u n d a y
♥ Rules ♥Comments would be good :) ♥ ♥Credit to yunie_sigh or xxpyrography ♥Textless icons are not bases ♥Don't claim as yours, don't hotlink and don't edit in any way ♥Enjoy :) ♥!