Writer's Block: In the Event of a Zombie Emergency

Jul 29, 2008 08:49

Dude I'm not prepared.....like super prepared. And i haven't studied or practiced the correct way to kill zombies or whatever, neither have i seen every zombie movie to get how to run away or something.
But does already knowing you have lots of knives and a shotgun under your parents bed, knowing fully well to totally go rambo on zombie ass if they show up, consitute as winging it? Cause that is so what i'd do.
kicking zombie ass sounds like fun, though the idea of dying at the hand of one is comletely terrifying to be honest. [who do you know got eaten alive and was all 'Dude! That's awesome bite me again, my armpit is like the tastiest part of me.']

Answer to the question?
Dude so gonna wing it.

writer's block

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