Of mothers and Wendy's

Jun 23, 2008 22:19

Okay i'm mad.

Don't you get that?...ya know when you go shopping with your mother and you see this really awesome shirt or pants [whatever item of clothing you want at that moment..] and you show your mother.
       "Hey Mom, look at this shirt. I really like it, and it fits me/is in my size."
Then she just kinda looks at it and says something like:
OR she makes this face of like....distaste AND THEN says the shirt is just 'okay'
OR she'll just outright say something like "Honey, will you even wear that?" or "The shirt/fabric/quality is cheap, don't buy it." or "You already have something like that, stop buying the same shirt/pants/underwear/whatever."

I mean seriously doesn't that just kinda make you feel bad or angry or just frustrated that your mom just kinda killed the "exciting 'OMG I'M BUYING A NEW SHIRT'" jitters.
Thanks mom, just totally freakin butchered my jitters with a damn butcher knife.

Ha, i'm not menstruating anymore. all real non hormonal influenced feelings thank you very much. [I'd like to thank the academy and my invisible pet hippo 'Spike, Bob the hobo on Broadway and 42nd, Naked Cowboy.......]

Point is I really wanted for my mom to get me this shirt in Urban Outfitters, and while there i was looking at other stuff and she just kinda said "you know this fabric isn't really 100% cotton, it's not as good as american eagle..." okay yea totally put salt in the wounds mom.
The wound being that she looked kinda annoyed to be shopping at the mall at like 8:45 p.m. But she just totally killed the whole "YAY NEW CLOTHES" high.

Nice to know she really appreciated the time we spent bonding.

But i've been bitchy and angry ever since. Snappy and sarcastic too.
Plus i didn't get the shirt. i still wouldn't if she offered later simply because of what she said. Oh yeah I'm stubborn like that. Not good quality fabirc? Fine i won't ever bother you about getting stuff there again. Ever.

But i really liked that shirt so i'll probably get it with like my own money, which i dont know how i'll get but 

so there. done with being dramatic.

But hey good thing about today.


it was awesome, like an orgasm in your mouth, and yes they're that good.
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