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I am in love with this story. rebeccs13 June 2 2011, 19:36:44 UTC
Okay so i've been reading every chapter of this story since the start and I made this account just to comment. This is gonna be a long comment. I love how you've made Alex's character so... Alex. You've captured his personality perfectly. I love how at the start he was so resistant to Jacks ways and I love how you made jack so persistant and how he was such a douche to begin with but Alex's changing him for the good. I love how Jack was so cocky to begin with and he really only wanted to get with Alex so he could count it as a personal triumph because Alex was a challenge. Then I love how Jack slowly began to let the walls he'd built around himself cave in as he began to love Alex more and more. I love how you've shown his progression and how he's becoming more loving and careful, sensitive even, but you've still kept his personality by his quirky little sexual references so he still seems like he's slightly arrogant but really he's just a big softy since he will take it slow with Alex because he knows how broken he is. I adore the chapter where Jack takes him to the place Daniel used to take him when he was little because it shows just how much of a romantic he truly is underneath his self-proclaimed badassness (sorry, couldnt think of a better word). I love how you showed the impacts of death on a family, how Alex stopped painting and playing and how he's now beginning to start up again. I really loved the chapter where him and Jack went to the harbour because it was Alex's inspirational place and I love how he got his muse back after that. I love how you tried to paint a picture of every detail of his personality, especially when he's drawing one of the many pictures of Jack for his christmas present and he wont stop until it's perfet. Okay I'm going to stop writing now because it looks like one of my English essays xD All I can say is this is my favourite fic of all time, trust me I've read loads, and you NEED to post another chapter soon because I am going quite insane from lack of this story. It is amazing and you are an extremely talented writer (I've read 'It's just sex and violence, melody and silence' and i'm not going to start to comment on that because theres is too much to say. Long story short its perfection in a story.) This is the longest comment I have ever written on anything so enjoy. I need more of this story. A.S.A.P.


Re: I am in love with this story. alltimejo June 15 2011, 22:48:54 UTC
I agree :)


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