Doubted Memories #1

Sep 02, 2010 00:12

                               *         *       *
"The number one ninja has arrived! My last name is Uzumaki, and my first name is Naruto. What most people call me is-
(Sasuke) "Usuratonkachi"
"Usuratonkachi!!! Nande?! Oi! Sasuke-Teme!"
"Hn"                                  In some part of the anime.

*         *       *
"You...always..get in the way....Naruto, that never fails"
"Dah..You beat him Sasuke...huh?"
"You should see the look on your a total loser."
"Huh?.....Why...Why did you...?..Save me...? Why did you do it?"
"I dont know why....i just did..."Long pause. "Ugh.....You....I...I hated you"
"Then why? It doesn't make any sense...Why did you...protect me?!....ugh....UUgh...I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS! I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOU TO SAVE ME!!!"
"I don't body just moved....there was no time to think...loser(usuratonkachi)"
(Sasuke collapses as Naruto runs to catch him)
"Hes still out brother, I promised myself I stay alive until I killed him...Naruto don't let your dream die...."
(Naruto's eyes begin to fill with tears and rage towards the guy who did this to Sasuke)"I hated you too Sasuke..and yet......"
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Naruto declares as he tries to avenge his friend..and runs to the one that did this to Sasuke...releasing the kyuubi's chakra for the first time.
                                                       Episode 16

*      *       *
"When I learned there was someone who was alone like me, I was relieved. I wanted to talk to you right off the bat, but you were aways so good at everything....everyone admired you. You made me look like a fool and a loser. So i decided to make you my rival....but the truth is that I always wanted to be like you..    Battle At Valley End

*         *       *
"If you attack Konoha....I will have to fight save up your hatred...and take it all out on me...I'm the only who can take it!!! Its the only thing I can do!....I will shoulder your hatred and die with you!"(naruto)
"WHY?! What the hell do you want?! WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH!?!" (sasuke)
                                                 Naruto Chapter 486

I started remembering the days when I was at the Academy. When all I used to do was fight with Sasuke...those were the days. Remembering the incident when we(sakura,Sasuke,and Naruto) had to steal the bells from Kakashi. At that time I had had been tied up to a log and couldn't eat. I just couldn't believe my eyes when Sasuke offered me his food. I still can't forget that certain incident at Valley End when even for a brief moment....Sasuke and I entwined felt real..but it could never be....Why? Why did Sasuke have to abandon me? Abandon Team 7? If only Orochimaru hadn't taken Sasuke away from us, Sasuke would've never left. Although Orochimaru is already dead it's still his fault. He corrupted Sasuke and turned him into someone cold! Not only that but, the last time they met Sasuke was literally going to kill Sakura...If I wouldn't had gotten their on time Sakura....would be...dead. Kakashi was right, Sasuke is no longer the Sasuke used to know. Just like that red-haired chick told Sakura...What was her name? Dammit whatever...

*Naruto sat up from his bed to see Kakashi-sensei outside his opened window*
"What up Kakashi-sensei?"
"Yo....the prisoner would like to have a word with you." Kakashi told me.
"The prisoner...?" I asked dubiously.
"Just hurry."

Once we arrived to Anbu residence, I saw Ibiki was there interrogating the red-haired girl with glasses. Once Ibiki saw me he walked out of the glassed room and approached me.

"Look Naruto, everything you guys say will be written down. Try to get as much information about Sasuke's current plans, destinations and actions. Since she wanted to talk to you I suppose she'll tell you a thing or two. If you want your friend back without him receiving a death-sentence I advise you to get as much information as you can....I'm counting on you." Ibiki told me seriously.
I nodded and then inhaled before entering the glass room. I sat in front of her and gulped...she looked offense...She suddenly closed her eyes and sigh.

"Well my name is Karin and I was basicly Sasuke's tracker and healer nothing more than that."
I laughed. "Well no wonder Sasuke could tell whenever we were following him or not, bastards as smart as always I see."

*Naruto's eyes grew far and distant. His beautiful blue eyes reflecting pain in them. Karin wondered why the blond looked as if he was in alot of pain. Karin hesitated but then got the nerve to speak up.*

"I don't know much about your relationship with Sasuke but, I have heard that you have been trying to bring Sasuke back to Konoha for a while now.....If it's to personal you don't have to answer me but....what exactly was your relationship with Sasuke?"

*Naruto shook his head sadly as he remembered the times he had with Sasuke...he just wished he could've cherished those moments he had.*

" see Sasuke and I hated eachother to start with. The mere sight of him made me want to beat him to a bloody pulp...ha..We went to the same Academy when we were small and after we graduated...Team 7 was born, with me, Sakura, and Sasuke. Of course Kakashi with our sensei. Sasuke and I always competed against each other. I viewed Sasuke as a comrade and yet as a rival it was a trival relationship. Yet, no matter how many times we would claim to hate eachother we would always team up and fight against our enemies efficiently, so effortlessly...without even if we've done that a thousand times. After a while I couldn't help to find myself saving Sasuke and being saved by him...risking our lives time and again to save eachother. It wasn't until it was too late that I realized he had become my best friend. The day we fought at Valley End we became high class ninja. Ever since we were 13 I trained, and trained, hoping to get stronger that way I'll be able to bring Sasuke back home. It's been 3 whole years and I still haven't brought him back...beacause I'm weak. If I had been stronger 3 years ago, Sasuke would've never become so cold. Its all my fault! If only i was stron-"

*Naruto shook his head in dissaproval at his choice of words*

"Maybe...if I would've told Sasuke how important he is to me...If I would've just locked my pride away and told him how I really felt towards him. If...if I was able to stop Sasuke none of this would be happening to him! It's all my fault."

*Naruto's voice cracked at the end. His face filled with pain and regret. Eyes filled with tears. His blue oceanic eyes looking surreal. His eyes widened shocked to see tears falling on the table. He quickly wiped his tears with his sleeve.*

"I'm..sorry." I mumbled. This was so embarrasing....why the hell was I crying?!
"No, don't worry about it but, Naruto could it be possibly be in....lo-...lo-ve with Sasuke-kun without knowing it?"
"" I asked dumb-founded.

*Naruto's face suddenly turning red, from remembering their first kiss in the Academy..."why was I suddenly remembering that incident?" He thought. It was just an accident but Naruto couldn't help himself about thinking how the ravens lips felt against his*

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