Hello World!

Mar 28, 2010 02:02

Wahhh, I've reread my journal a few days ago, and I just realized how awesome my childhood was. XD Gone are those innocent days. But, I shall be excited for how the rest of life shall turn out. 8D

So I'm finally getting better. Maybe. Kind of. No more emo posts for a while. Hopefully. It's lovely to be able to pour out all my feelings and frustrations sometimes though. I've been moping about enough now. *sighs*

I've also been amusing myself with omgpop games. xD They're pretty amusing. If anyone wants to be awesome and help me by signing up through my inviteee.... =P



On Thursday I got all my mark updates. I'm kidna disappointed in my 75 for Physics. T__T I've never gotten anything that low before. D:

Chem is alright, 90, Adv. Functions is 95, adn Comsci, 96. I kidna feel guilty about com sci though. D: Because there are a lot of people who are so much ebtter at programming than me, but I'm doing better. Then again, I tried really hard for it... >w< But I still had a lot of help. But I'm so proud of it. *o* I had a lot of help with it, but I can still call it my program. 8D And it worksss~ It actually works~ Even though it's only a simple game of mastermind... xD

I really should try for physics. *sighs* I hate how my teacher makes me feel soo stupid sometimes. Or how I have so much trouble udnerstanding it sometimes. Or when I figure out everythign AFTER the test. =o=

Soooo, anyways, today we had band. And performed at Markham Theatre. It was alright. Meh. I saw him there. Tried to stop noticing his every move. I'm starting to feel better. Finallyyy. XD I can probably live with this.

Well band took a good chunk of my day. I'm starting to feel, iunno, off and distant from certain people now. It's this weird feeling that you don't belong anywhere, and just nothing feels right. I don't get it. D: And I always feel so pathetic and useless now. It kinda sucks. There's nothing left to live for, not even work. D:

Yeahh, so I made my brother drive me homee, and sat there playing omgpop games to pass by time. XD Until Jen decided to ask if I wanted to hot pot. So I went over to hot pot with her and laura.

And I'd like to record here that Jen and I successfully captured a beef ball. TOGETHER. 8D IT WAS AMAZING. WE HAVE ACHIEVED SOMETHING IN OUR LIFE. YAY BEEF BALLS.

Earth Hour was kinda fail on our part, in fact we turned on the ps3 and played Soul Calibur during that time. xD Soul Calibur 4, custom characters = awesome way to waste time. XD So we created some nice sexy incredibly gay boys and made them fight against each other. Equipment breaks are so funny, especially when the guy's barely wearing anything. xD Or when they all have personalities of girls, like... setsuka, cassandra or ivy. XD Oh yes, lovely whip.

And Ivy, just when yout hink she couldn't wear any less clothinggg. XD She's so awesome and sexy with her... lack of clothing. xD

And we also played Rockabanddd. More music buying. More practice with playing. XD We've gotten so good at this game, well, not amazingly good, but so much better than when we first started. XD

And now I have Handlebars - Flobots stuck in my head.

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars
I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

Look at me Look at me
Hands in the air like its good to be
Alive and I'm a famous rapper
Even when the paths are all crookedy
I can show you how to dosey doe
I can show you how to scratch a record
I can take apart the remote control
And i can almost put it back together
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem
I can tell you about Leif Ericson
I know all the words to De Colores
And I'm proud to be an American
Me and my friends saw a platypus
Me and my friends made a comic book
And guess how long it took
I can do anything that I want 'Cause


I can keep rhythm with no metronome
No metronome
No metronome
I can see you face on the telephone
On the telephone
On the telephone

Look at me look at me
Just called to say that its good to be
Alive in such a small world
I'm all curled up with a book to read
I can make money open up a thrift store
I can make a living off a magazine
I can design an engine
64 miles to the gallon on gasoline
I can make new antibiotics
I can make computer survive aquatic
Conditions I know how to run the business
And i can make you wanna buy a product
Movers shakers and producers
Me and my friends understand the future
I see the strings that control the systems
I can do anything with no assistance 'Cause

I can lead a nation with a microphone
With a microphone
With a microphone
And I can split the atoms of a molecule
Of a molecule
Of a molecule

Look at me Look at me
Driving and I won't stop
And it feels so good to be alive and on top
My reach is global
My tower secure
My cause is noble
My power is pure
I can handout a million vaccinations
Or let em all die from exasperations
Have 'em all healed from their lacerations
Or have em all killed by assassinations
I can make anybody go to prison
Just because I don't like 'em
I can do anything with no permission
I have it all under my command because

I can guide a missile by satellite
By satellite
By satellite
And I can hit a target through a telescope
Through a telescope
Through a telescope

And I can end the planet in a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust
In a holocaust

I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars
I can ride my bike with no handlebars
No handlebars
No handlebars

...I kinda like this song. XD

Speaking of which, I also got a tumblr account. So if anyone else has one... 8D May I follow?
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