I just Hate when things go wrong =_=

Oct 10, 2007 01:02

uh, and I was planning to go drama-thon all night long _-_ And it was Proposal Daisakusen (Operation Love) by YamaPi too T_T! Somehow, other than Kimutaku, this dude pretty much took my attention to watch his dramas xDD The only thing i couldn't figure out till now is, I don't know whether I'm attracted to him acting or built-wise or actually just his husky sekhsy voice 8D;;

Just when I thought I could add one more watched series in my collection, crunchyroll LOL-ed mE by stating that the series was completely uploaded when there's like, 2 episode missing from the list  =.= what gets on my nerve was the missing episode was in the middle of the series =_= How the hell episode 5 and 6 went missing when the rest are there "orz and DOOD, IF THE SERIES AIN'T COMPLETELY UPLOADED, DON'T SAY SO!

Thanks to the missing episodes there, i had a miserable time searching for other streaming site. Youtube didn't have the series, Veoh was like, being considerate for only displaying 5 mins preview of the episode for those who didn't download its Veoh Tv plug-in crap and some other unknown streaming site only had the 1st part of the episode 5 while its second part was somehow the same thing as the 1st one =_=

GOD, IZIT THAT TOUGH TO WATCH A DRAMA ONLINE D= I swear that if my connection could take it, i would have just downloaded everything I wanted to watch D= If only If only If only If only I could finish downloading an episode every minute.. ;_;"

and now I actually went through the trouble to download the crappy veoh's plug-ins "orz i must be desperate "orz now just to hope that I could manage to watch it after all the trouble to download "orz

prodai, yamapi, jdramas

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