A day at the #spam-inc

Oct 05, 2007 17:21

Some meme's give you a hard time. And this is one of them. >.>;;

h1m3 for the tag >.>; I was torturing myself thinking who to use "orz And the help I seeked from the chatroom made the situation even worse "orz Thanks to that, I had a fun time being other peeps laughing stock "orz  well, only 1 helped tho but the rest is pure rubbish. u_u If you have to see it for yourself, then i present the slightly edited script below. No, I didn't change anything =.= just cut out a few unrelated lines u_u;

The actors are:
haLf_deaD = mE
rUrIkO = sarah
^VS =  vio  random guy #1
aKi- = aki
the others, are side actors here u_u

personaliti ak lebey kurang kt char ape kt anime u_u >> now would you guyz please help mE in this. u_u
personality ko cam... u_u
tiang lampu lam cerite doraemon? u.u
sarah u_u
slalu kene langgar / kene kencing tapi tiang tu tak wat pe pe T_T
one more and i'll rite klik>control>kick. u_u
<^VS> tiang lampu lam cerite doraemon? u.u <<+infinity.
cptla tlg ak ;_;

tak tau T_T bile ko tanya soalan tu tiang tu benda pertama aku terpikir u_T
* rUrIkO was kicked by haLf_deaD (u_uX)
* rUrIkO has joined #spam-inc
abeh ak nk tules sape ;_;
<^VS> u_u
ak xtau sapa sama ngan ak pon ;_;
<^VS> dude u_u
<^VS> just pick the most useless character in any anime u_u
useless character in doraemon is the tiang dude u_u
<^VS> u_u
you can be the makcik kedai in any anime u_u
sarah, your help is not needed already. u_u
no, you guyz are not needed. u_u
kamu semua useless. u_u
kono yaro. u_u
<^VS> who's helping you, mE? u_u
<^VS> i'm just helping myself u_u
<^VS> or entertaining myself u_u
aki tlg ak T_T
what u_u
tlg ape u_u
<^VS> u_u
<^VS> jgn. u_u
char animanga pe yg similar ngan personaliti ak u_u
ko nk bwat pe u_u

tiang lampu lam cerite doraemon? u.u
ak kene tag ngan hime utk wat meme "orz
<^VS> u_u
shuddup sarah. u_u
n ko nk buat?
<^VS> lemao. u_u
risa u_u
mE = usopp
it's the unwritten rule bile dh tag kene wat ;_;
risa is an idiot u_u
otani ko vio u_u
usopp female version..
am i one? u_u;
<^VS> ugh. u_u
yes u_u
<^VS> i'm not osakan u_u
usopp is out of range. u_u
<^VS> taki es21 u_u
risa la dude u_u
obaba in InuYasha? u_u;;
hoi, why are all idiots. u_u
obaba is smart u.u
risa je la then u_u
<^VS> otawara es21 u_u
i tot of risa too for the height "orz and dilemma "orz
obachan exactly u.u
Tomo - Azumanga Daioh u_u
u guyz are too much. u_u
aki je srs ;_;
ko tak layak jd hagu dude u_u
<^VS> hagumon u_u
hagu is aki u_u
aku srs ;_;
mE = Jijimon

and so, as you can see, this is what happened when I was out of my mind asking the help from the bunch of monkeys there u_u I've learnt my lesson, to never ever ask anyone on IRC about their opinion of yourself "orz

And so, the meme

Choose a fictional character that you believe is similar to you in looks and/or personality and answer the following questions. Then tag 5 people to do the same.

If hime only got 3 to tag, I have only 1 "OTZ so like it or not, I only have
rinka88 to tag "OTZ

and my choice, Risa from LoveCom xD glad I got to choose one after a hard time finding the suitable candidates 8D;

001. How is this character like you?
She's TALL. and i think that is all >.>; actually other than that, most of her personality fits mE i think u_u;; i like cute stuff too, tho i dun show it xD; and her liking to umibozu can be linked to how i liked some bands that my friends don't even care to know xD;; she's always carefree xD yes I'm carefree too at times i think. ah, and she always think of her friends and always want to help them out x3 That one I'm pretty much similar but i guess everyone has that trait, i guess u_u

002. What differences are there between you and this character?
I'm not an idiot to that extent u_u At least, not as idiotic as her u_u; and um, the love aspect has nothing to do with mE coz reality-wise, i am in a situation to give up my love-life and that was why I could only think of friendships xD It's nice to be single, really. and I'm enjoying it being one x3

003. Do you like or dislike this character?
I like her very very much ♥ xD She's just, so kind and,,, pure xD I've been rooting for her to be a pair with otani x) so you can tell how much I like her x3 I was happy when she finally manage to be a couple with him ;_;

004. Would you date this character if they existed in real life?
I'd want to befriend her x3 I'll bet we'll get along really well and be best friends evah xD

005. Are there any canon relationships this character has that are similar to ones you have?
First of all, i dunno what is canon r/ship lol. but i'll just assume what i think I know and answer it. The way I treat some of my guyz friends are somewhat similar to how she treat otani xD; just that, I don't love Love them =.= yeah, so replace the special feelings risa had for otani to friendships stuff feelings and you get my character there xD The way she was treated by her friends have some similarities in myself i guess xD watch the anime or read the manga if you don't know how she is treated =.=
I'm suddenly happy I actually got this mEmE 8D


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