* I think I spend too much time online. During exam review today, the prof started comparing the motives of Mordred, the Green Knight, and Grendel. Mordred wanted the downfall of the Round Table. The Green Knight wanted to teach Gawain a lesson. "And what about Grendel? Why did he do what he did?" I nearly yelled out, "FOR THE LULZ!"
* So swine flu has reached Japan and there's a case in Tokyo, which I know not because of any news source, but from Kido Yuya's blog. I am now super-pissed at the panic-mongering media because my poor baby Yuya is all worried (about his friends and blog-readers/fans, because he's just a darling like that). The only good thing about swine flu: people are now afraid of pork, so there's more for me. =D
* 'Kay so, I've been trying to figure out how Bakemonogatari is supposed to air in July but no cast members have been announced. Is SHAFT trying to drive me insane? New marketing technique: make Kei crazy? Because if so, it's totally working. Either way I'm still insanely excited; I can't wait to see how Kousaki's music works with Shinbo's direction~ /geek
* Unsettling discovery: The guy who did the music in Jisatsu Circle/Suicide Club, Hasegawa Tomoki, also did the music in Nana, Genshiken, Gokusen, and Zetsubou Sensei. (Okay, Zetsubou Sensei isn't that much of a surprise. But still.)
* Aaaaaahhh
Miura Yuu with blond streaks laughing so hard. Why would he think that looks good.
* One more thing:
Nagase becomes a superspy in new drama. I cannot come up with words for that; I just wanted to point it out. Because. Wow.