Jun 03, 2005 00:49
Its been a while since I have been on here... Must say.. I haven't missed much... But i figured tonight was a "what the hell" kinda thing... so here i am.
In regards to a specific scenario that is going on... I was going to try and see where everyones big "he said she said" was getting mixed up until i started getting some voice mails that uhh... well the best way to put it ... pissed me off. So If anyone reading this ACTUALLY CARES about any kind of friendship that ever existed... That is why i havent called, that is why i havent written, and yes, that is why i havent spoken to you in person. Ashley, Chris, I actually did consider you friends up until all of this crap, thought things were getting better (between all of us) but after reading some past entries i see that neither of you really wanted things to work out anyway.. that is if the statement.. "We were sitting back waiting to see how long it would take for him to hurt us" is really true. Anyways, I really wanted to work all of this crap out, but you know what... I started thinking..
If things are like they are right now, (and the way things have been ) then things wont get any better in the future. We all 3 argue about the most stupid shit, find all these dumb ass little reasons to bicker.. and i just dont picture the future looking any better. So just to clarify all future asked questions... and so that everything that has been said bad about me or whatever can be resolved.... You both seem to think that I was fired and that it was gonna screw with my head sooo much... well the truth is... I quit. I knew that i had to be at work today... i knew i only had one more chance. I didnt go to work today so that maybe a friendship that i once had with two people who i THOUGHT were good friends could be rekindled. I figured that if the 2 of you didnt have to see me at YOUR job.. none of the he-said-she-said bullshit could happen. I also thought about calling to tell the 2 of you that it was over.. all the drama was over.... but i dont wanna talk about it anymore.... If you want to be friends with me, I am willing to be friends with you... but i dont wanna talk about this. Let it go. ALL OF THIS is so childish that it is crazy. I have made my final sacrifice.. i lost my job so that no-more drama could happen... if that isnt good enough for you, maybe you need to look in the mirrors and see who it was who really and truly didnt care about a friendship.
With that said, i am moving on. Scott and I are great. Thankfully there is someone in my life who is Stable, and loves me as much as I love him. I think i would be six feet under right now if it werent for him. He is the most amazing person .. sweet, kind, gentle.. (rough at times) ;) LOl.. I love you baby!! Thank you for being there!! MWuah!! **cannot wait for you to come back over...... or vis versa**
well, i guess this is all for now... I'll write back later on after finding out what is going to happen..... but i am asking for a time limit... no more than 2 days, please... *thats for a yes or a no* honestly it can be as simple as that, just say yes if you want to be friends & let go of this pettyness.. or say no if you dont want our friendships to work out. Its your call. You know i want to... but i refuse to talk about all of this... i just want to let it go. If you are to decide that you dont want to be friends, thats fine, but i am hoping that we can at least drop this whole not speaking thing.... we can at least be civil. Thats the least i ask for in that situation. well... your call... hopefully i will know something soon.
Night everybody.
Love ~ David