This person has been by your side through thick and thin, and chances are they're not going anywhere. This isn't the end of the world. This is just a little snag. And the solution is probably going to require a little compromise on your part. You care about this person and you're willing to make a sacrifice or two. Make sure they know that. A deep conversation is in order later this week. Go into it with an open mind and try not to control the outcome. That's the only way to arrive at a solution you can both be happy with.
(weeks horoscope)
The month starts off on the 1st and 2nd with the three Cs -- camaraderie, charisma and communication. Why not add chummy to the list, too? You're in good spirits and you're making good things happen, at the workplace and at home. Don't get your feathers in a ruffle if all that smooth riding turns a little bumpy around the 3rd and 4th. There could be a couple of out-of-the-blue (as far as you're concerned) outbursts from the folks in your immediate vicinity. Talk it over with them -- maybe you've been missing a few pieces of the puzzle. Now's a good time to put it all together and get a sense of the big picture. On the 7th, 8th and 9th, do something nice for somebody else. And be careful -- any conflicts you get into now could turn ugly faster than you can say 'snicker doodle.' On the 24th and 25th, all the self-restraint you have been practicing (not to mention all that exercising of your listening skills!) will pay off.
(monts horoscope)