PUBLIC post, wth...

Jul 09, 2007 15:10

     I now have another reason to hate insects...
Yesterday, I got stung by a wasp/hornet/WTF.
It didn't hurt at first; it felt like a paper-cut.
Then after a few minutes it felt HELL-ish.
It kept throbbing; venom flowing through me.
I was really freaked out because it was my ear.
Of all the places to be stung.... my ear. D:

I woke up this morning; actually it was noon,
and half of my left ear was pinkish-reddish.
It also itches like CRAZYyyyyyyyyy. >w<

I haven't had Tae Kwon Do class for a week.
I'm so out of shape, but we went out yesterday.
To the mall, so that's sort of a workout, right?
I'm scared of class tonight. That I'll be slow...
I hate being the last one still doing push-ups/sit-ups.

Oh yeah, I tried trimming my bangs;
I ended up cutting them. (cutting is > 1 in.)
So now I have unwanted side bangs.
They're pretty, but they'll be in my face;
during TKD class, unless I clip it up... UGH.

(New layout. Credit to

hornet, wasp, tae kwon do, bangs, public post, layout

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