(no subject)

Jun 29, 2007 19:49

       YAYs. I actually went out today. I went to the mall (with my mom&nieces&nephew) . So I used all of my $20 gift card for Gadzooks. I've had that for almost a year. O_O;; I don't really like Gadzooks, but they had really cool cheap jeans today (They were $7.99 D:). Then I got 2 sunglasses. C: I'm happy. I also went to Forever 21. Best store ever. <3 I got an ELMO shirt for $3.99! I should take a picture of it when I'm not lazy. (That's gonna be a while >;3)  So I only spent $7 today (not including what i got at Gadzooks).

My dad got the iPhone today~ So now i get his iPod, and my mom gets my bulky mp3 player. C:

LAWL. Last.Fm hasn't updated plays yet, so I still have 666 plays for DBSK. >w<;; It needs to change.

(Ahhh, it's another public post... Am I turning Semi-Friends Only? Blehhh... my entries haven't been that personal lately so whatevs.)

ipod, your mom, iphone, last.fm, mall

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