So, my parents are going away on another adventure this Monday and won't be back until Christmas Eve. Therefore, Thanksgiving is this Sunday!!!
In preparation for my first time hosting Thanksgiving as a married woman, I looked around for some good turkey recipes and eventually decided to give the one from Ree, the writer of "
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman" and "
The Pioneer Woman Cooks!" I absolutely love her blog and have tried several of her recipes in the past with HUGE success.
So! Meet Tommy the Turkey after preparation:
This is Tommy the Turkey sitting in his brine bath. Go to the website mentioned above if you want all the details of how to brine a turkey. I have him sitting in his brine bag and then in a bowl. Because I'm lazy and forgetful and don't want to have to a) remember to turn the turkey so that all parts get to brine or b) get up to actually do that, I stuck Tommy bag and all into a bowl, squeezed all the air out of the bag and twisted the top until the entire turkey was covered in the brine. Dave then cleverly helped me secure the whole thing with colour complimenting blue painters tape. I stuck Tommy and bowl into another pan because, let be honest here...that bag looks like it's gonna pop. It's salmonella poisoning protection people. And to be truthfully honest, if raw turkey juice flooded my fridge, I'd rather move then have to touch that mess.
Did I mention that I cleaned this sucker in latex gloves bound with tape at the wrist? No? Well I did. I despise, hate and LOATHE touching raw meat. It gives me the willies.
Me and Tommy! I love Tommy, in a slightly twisted, I'll be eating you in two days way. (note the loss of 10 pounds...the only good thing to come out of Mono)
Tommy's new home for the next few days. He looks cozy right? Wrong. Tommy's kind of a picky little sucker. He didn't like being placed perpendicular in the fridge. As a matter of fact, he hated it so much that he kept kicking the fridge door open. In the end I had to remove the entire other shelf you see there on the left just so that Tommy the turkey could spend his last few day rest comfortably...parallel.
But hey, how can you say no to Tommy, he won't be with us much longer.