Feb 12, 2004 10:16
I have come to realize that the job I have now is not really a job. I sit a screw around for about four hours during the day and the other four I talk to people who I never new existed. Because of the time that I am bored I have to put up some of the most ungrateful people anyone has to deal with. I am not one to gripe.....However I feel the need to do it this time. The people, in my age range of 18 to 23, live at home, never went to college, spent all there time on the computer, and have all there money to themselves. They have no clue what its like to try to afford food, electric, phone, or other areas that humans need to survive. I do not think that they would be able to in the real world because they have not even spent enough time alone in the real world that they do not know what to expect. Thats just the work enviornment....The people on the phone are a totally different breed. My job is to help people...That i do not mind....I help people who need to see there COLLEGE COURSES....I do not mind that either...However my day gets quickly spoiled when some one calls me looking for help and does not want it....Or treats me like an ass because I cannot fix there problem quickly....or decides that dealing with them is not enough pressure but yet they feel the need to yell and scream and when I do fix the problem do they care.....Hell no they just go on with there day thinking they solved the problem and leave me with my thumb in my ass and a goofy looking smile. I know this is the job of the future but if you would I would like to do it some place else that way should I have a problem with something or someone I can go home,
play with the lights I payed for.......and be able to shout FUCK YOU as loud as I possibly can....Why do you ask? Why should I feel that this is the way that I need to relieve stress?! Due to the zen tapes, meditation(which I have been doing and eat shit if you think meditating is gay) and stress balls I feel that the only real way next to mowing down co workers with a semi automatic weapon threw cubicle walls that are covered in carpet(corporations want you to feel like your at home it gives it the nice texture quality...yeah well fuck them its still work and it still fucking sucks) is by letting it out of your system in the most vulgar of methods. Ohe yeah and I almost forgot. The reason why I am still at this job is because they pay me to put up with the most inconsistant and I know what that word means, of complete and utter bull shit. Thats all it is its in plain text bull shit. Another vulgarity you you say, well heres the thing by using that word it expresses my point to the fullest as opposed to saying "why that cheeky fellow has insulted my dignity fa shaw to that" It will not work now or ever because the idea of bull shit means exactly that its a mess no one wants to deal with and it completely fucking(a term used for making love in a rather rough way or really expresses how you actually feel about something) sucks. Well now I feel better. I can put the hollow tip splinter shells away and put down the semi automatic weapon that I was cradling like a new born babe. Whew why does not everyone post things like this. It would definitely make my world go along better and I feel that stress would be down however it has not been tried yet so we will never know.