
Jun 24, 2005 02:41

Since my last update I have been spending more time at home, I've been working on my website quite a bit. Http:// (if you join, put something in the comment field or i wont accept you, trying to prevent BOTS from spammin up my board) Adding some sex techniques (which everyone should take a look at), some more info on the Occult, and new pics, banners, also site awards.

Whats REALLY been up? Lately, I've been PISSED off, yes pissed off! More than likely at you or someone like you. I've been studying up on the beloved FLUFFY religion of Wicca, and the webmaster and author of said it best "It's not that i dont like Wicca, its the wiccans I cant stand." These people are some of the most full of shit I have ever met. The truth about it is, The whole fucking Wiccan religion is only about 50 years old, there are sites upon sites upon sites that have crap like "Wicca predates Xianity by 1000's of years" no it fucking doesn't. Its roots are based from Pagan religions that are old. Wicca is NEW. And I'm sick of seeing idiots posting shit like "I was born in the year 1100." Everyone that I have seen post this obvious bullshit are all of Wiccan religion, now does this sound like serious dilusion or what?
Also, the fact that Wicca has become a Feminist religion, "women were not treated equally in Xianity so i quit" Well poopoo, Wicca is a religion, not a fucking political movement people. These are all of the reasons why I stopped following that religion.
If it's not the political feminazi's its the Fluffy's with their "Wicca is only good, there is no negative" "Wicca is a peaceful religion".... The concept may be true, but they are all hypocritical. A Wiccan may not directly say things, but I will guaran-damn-tee you that if you do something "she" doesn't like she will more than gladly imply that she can hex you.
Have you ever noticed how Wiccan's don't "Go to hell, because they don't believe in it?" Yet, the bullshit threefold law applies to everyone. The threefold law is a must read for those of you who actually believe that shit. Justice is rarely ever served and Karma is total crap. A perfect example of that is a look at my ex best friend.
They all have the "more persecuted than thou" syndrome and every Xian is out to get them, and bash them for their religion. Boofuckinhoo already. It's not religious persecution, its just the fact that your incessant whining is getting really out of hand. No one wants to hear it anymore. The whole following of the religion is so scared of taking a little criticism that no matter what is said, they're being persecuted. They speak of how everyone should be tolerant of Wicca and they will preach to you for an hour about how things are, but you bring up Xianity and they will all join in on bashing the hell out of it. Religiously tolerant? Everyone else has to be, but that rule doesn't apply to you does it witchypoo?
Wiccan's have also decided that they are the only ones allowed to label themselves with the term "Witch." Witch and Wiccan are two totally different words, and the meaning is not the same. They think that there is no such thing as a "witch who practices black magic because wiccan's only practice white." Honey, a witch is someone with magical powers, a wiccan is a sad excuse for a witch. Ok Ok, I wont diss their magical ability or I am being a hypocrit. What I'm saying is, that you don't own the label of Witch. Satanists are also witches, and probably have more of a right to be called one than you do. If I do say so myself.
"Never again the burning times" This is what the poor lil persecued wiccan's say when they are referring to the witch hysteria in Europe. Witches weren't actually burned there, they were mostly women who were "psychologically unstable" and people thought were worshipping the devil. They weren't actually witch's and they certainly were NOT Wiccans. How do I know this? Wicca was not even a religion back then. Every once in a while you'll run across a seriously uneducated Fluffy who says something about "The burnings at Salem." No one was ever burned for Witchcraft in the USA, nope, not even at Salem. Here's another lil historical fact for you: They weren't witche's either, just one dark skinned woman practicing her native religion, from Africa. The rest were accused, mostly neighbors who despised each other, and the worst death, was one man who was Pressed to death. No burnings whatsoever... Now put that in your little pipe and bite down.
Ok this is slightly off topic but why is it that when someone screws you over BAD, and the fact that they know you better than just about anyone should clue them in that it's in your nature to feel scorned, and in turn hate them with all of your negative energy, and hold a grudge for the rest of your life... But they seem to forget the fact that they've done any wrong doing at all?
I think the only way that I can answer this rhetorical question for you, without coming across as a total bitch is that people are completely diluded. People fail to see anything wrong with themselves, and when faced with the bitter truth that they are actually Scum, they revert into a shell and become totally victimized. Posting on their journal about how all of their friends are treating them bad. If you are reading this, which I'm sure you are ;)... It's because you do it to yourself, people (for the most part) are not evil without a reason to be. When you do something crude to another person and they talk "a bunch of shit" about u (in reality, its not "shit" it's only the complete and total fucking truth) you ought to just accept it. Do you? Of course not, that would take someone with half a spine to be able to look in the mirror and see yourself for what you are: A spineless, manipulative, un-trustworthy, liar who doesn't take the time to evaluate what a friend actually is. If you had done that, then a lot of the good people that have fell VICTIM to YOU may still want something to do with you. You are NOT THE VICTIM, so stop your pussy sniveling and be a fucking man for ONCE in your life. This is something mommy can't help you with, you'll actually have to do it on your own.
Well, I guess I did come across as a total bitch, LOL MY BAD. I don't know if you actually managed to make it through that one, usually at the first sight of something negative about you, you run and hide and ignore it, push it to the back of your mind and get angry at the world because You didn't do anything, it's everyone else treating you like shit, right? Thats usually how it goes, but this rant wasn't for nothing, it's made me feel a HELL of a lot better.
Oh i hope you read it, I want you to feel like an asshole, I want you to be so overcome with the guilt of how you have fucked everyone that was close to you over, to the point where you're almost ready to kill yourself. I don't want you to commit suicide, thats not what I want at all. I want you to feel the pain that everyone else has endured just knowing you, multiplyed by about a million. Thats what I want.
I know it wont happen if I leave it up to you so, I'm lighting my black candles tonight, after all the moon is in Aquarius... PERFECT for magickal workings. **Goes to altar, gets out the locked box of black magick tools...** Oh the feeling of accomplishment, lots of energy focused on you, poo.

After this I'm going to bed, I'll be completely drained after all of the energy lost, and I've got shit to do tomorrow. I must bid you adieux.

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