Jan 09, 2005 21:07
ok so friday started off pretty good. went to justins house to watch only the greatest movie EVER...well not ever, but yeah...Napoleon Dynamite. omg do i love that movie. but anyways, so after the movie i went home. Sat, was work and then my sisters house w/ jess and zach. goodtimes guys...thats all im saying. well jess...i love you baba!! lmao. sun, we woke up, came home, i did some stuff around the house for my rents, then went to jess's house to work on our psych project. after our project was finished (which kicks ass btw) we went to get some shakes from baskin robins... what a rip off...lmao. jenny jess and i decided to drive around for a bit and cruise haze. after we were driving through some subdivision when i decide i want to try and fish tail in a round-about, or w/e they're called. so i do it, but can't stop...so were spinning in cirles at like 20 miles an hour screaming on the top of our lungs. it was great. after we finally stopped spinning we drove around singing to old 80's music. i just want to say ladies, it was about fuckin time we hung out again... i love you goorls.and jenny im so looking forward to your 21st birthday, and you know why. so yeah,i came home and im really bored now. i just looked at some funny pictures from crystal that i totally forgot i had taken and kinda wish i never had. fatty wtf were we thinking? anyways, i don't really want to go back to school tommorow, but hey what can ya do? gosh, i know ive said this b4, but life is so good right now. well thats all i have time for now cuz ive gotta hit the sheets. so g'night and sweetdreams.
xoxo katie