Jan 01, 2005 14:58

holy shit did this year end quick...but good. thinking back at the things i did in 2004, i realized what an important year that it was for,and what an impact it had on my life. i will take many of the memories created with me forever, some i'll cherish forever, while others will be tough to look back upon. one things for sure, i can't wait to make new ones! i hope eveyrone had a grat new years eve.I didn't get much sleep and im regretting it now but i had a great time @ amandas house with everyone there, i wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else...well maybe a few more people. ohh that reminds me of how crystal and i have decided to make a list of how many (simalaries) ;) we have in common...crystal im putting the list in here, let me know if ive left anything out. btw you stil have my ring and i have yours... ;)its in safe keeping dont worry.

*we're both obeise(?)
*dark hair
*crack our knuckles
*crack our toes...the same way
*we have (new)short hair cuts
*the same ring size
*we're scottish
*prefer taller guys
*simalar digi cams
*we like pink and red
*same shoe size
*we're dykes ;)
*we <3 brown eyes
*chubby fingers
*girls annoy us
*and sometimes boys
*im not sure what this means..but evan(?) it was on the list
*double ear piercings
*i guess we have cute noses
*love handles
*<3 thrifting
*we snort
*histarical silent laughing
*our best friends are guys
*36 b ;)
*<3 our cousins humor(can't rememeber the meaning of this one?)
*we can rool our tongues
*wiggle our ears
*flare nostrals
*we're both currently employed...currently
*we have brothers
*older sisters
*3 siblings total
*we can properly prep the girls(lmao)
*hairy backs
*scarred feet
*"bear claws"
*side burns
*long lashes
*scarred ankles(shaving wounds)
*we're aunts
*trevan makes us crazy
*4 boobs each..(8);)
*we're both chickens :aka wimps
*can't spell for shit
*theres one more but i can't read my bad writting so lets just say theres another one...(top secret)

i hope i didn't leave anything out crystal. our list is looking good so far.and hopefully it keeps on growing.oh yeah don't forget to let me know what you and kenny talked about...;). well im off to do something with the family( this should be fun...not) back to school...ahhhh...2 days. this break ended soo soon. winters is right around the corner though. thank god for that. later. happy one month trevor! :)
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