I deleted MSN from my computer, I just wasn't using it :( sorry guys who ever I talked to which is hardly any one. I mean like, Chika obviously isn't ever coming back online, and she was the only reason I had MSN. I'm a googler now :) if you have google talk feel free to add me
the.blue.ones.help.me.fall@gmail.com :) just tell me who'yar.
And, I randomly downloaded picasa, why? I was bored, and besides it's a good program for digital cameras *which I have for xmas* I was supposed to get it for my b'day, well a few days so I could work out how to use it right BEFORE I see MCR the day after, but as it turned out what she was going to get instead, ran out of stock so she did a switch. But, here's the better bit. I get my b'day pressie, which WAS going to be my xmas pressie, sometime at the end of January :) god knows what it is, all I know is that "I'm going to love it" and that I have to do something. Obviously not like tidy my room, maybe I have to pick a certain name or colour *shrugs* god knows what it is.
Wow, look at the date!
Okay people, if you urgently need me today is the day to speak up. I will be around tomorrow, but not much. I have layouts to make and code, tutorials and pages to write up. Books to finish, space in my room to find and kingdom hearts II to finish. AH man, I'm just on the bit where Kairi and Riku show up, and like you have to fight the gambler dude X3 but he keeps turning me into a card he sucks soooo much. I have the insane urge to play final fantasy X and X-2, which isn't strange because their two of my fave ps2 games. X3 my fave is singstar rocks, 'cause I can get the highest score even though I can't sing! X3 Keane, Blur, Queen & Bowling for soup are easy. I love 1985 is an awesome song.
Currently, I have all three of MCR's albums (not inclding the live cd with LOTMS) in the cd player, and I'm on the black parade *squee* I had this on at two am this morning 'cause I couldn't sleep. Then, I put the first album on and listened to demolition lovers, though I don't like that song, but it put me to sleep! Which is awesome. Don't ask why I don't like that song, I just don't.
Updated heartache to sings' layout yesterday, and I absolutely love it. Note to self; always image slice png images only :) never jpeg's. Also, cutenews started working! Isn't it awesome?!
On Sunday, I should probably be making marange(sp?) and chocolate torte, since I hate mince pie's, so we make little pastry, like jam tart bases, then put little lemon merrange bits in it! As for the chocolate torte :( I can't eat it. Damn my allergies, I can only just get away with the mini lemon-m's. We also have to mull the wine x.x I hate homeade wine, but I'm the alcoholic *small laugh* as much as I'd like to stay sober for the rest of the year, everyone will think it's strange for me to turn down alcohol on xmas ^_^''' so I'm just going to have to control myself, it's going to be hard I know that much but with people around me, it shouldn't be too hard.
Monday of course is xmas, and I'm going to my nans :) though I'll be on very early in the morning to wish y'all merry xmas if you have myspace, and your on my friends list. I probably wont get home until late, so I'll do my xmas blog on boxing day morning =D go to my actual weblog for info on that. And then, the next proper update for sticky honey will be in New Year. My next proper blog entry here will probably be boxing day, and the day after :).
I forgot it was almost Bob's b'day until I looked at my calendar this morning, haha Kerrang! make me laugh doing that. I know a ton of people who have his b'day and my mam's is the second of Jan. Mine sucks, it's too close to Easter and I hate Easter. Though, it's not as close as Gerard's. Haha Gerard and I are Aries >: ) power to us all *evil laugh* though, I am only just an Aries, and I mean it I might as well be Pisces.
Anyway, in case I forget Monday or Tuesday; or before New YEar
New year's resolutions people!
Mine, is to not have second thoughts, to not look back and not regret. And, to have a little more self confidence. And, to try my hardest to loose some weight.
People, yours?
I want you all to have a great end to 2006! Have fun, and just let yourself laugh the night away! Get a good start to 2007, and let's hope the year goes well. which, I'm sure it will... for me :).
And, Happy Birthday Bob! I'll probably forget to say anything before then. I have this strange habit of saying Happy Birthday to people I don't know X3.
I have a new fanfiction on the way; though, I have to think of some more storyline plot for it; which I can't do until I get my notebook. Guess, I'll have to use my google notebook for now, huh?
I have a BETA to
disenchantedhpe! She's my random plug at the moment X3 she's awesomeness.
Okay people, that's me finished with my chirpy ness! Though, I'm giggling my ass off at this pic of Gerard in his skeleton pj's playing his Ds is it? X3 is's so adorable.
Oh, and as for that rumour about Gerard and his black hair. I'm pretty sure it isn't true at all. I've seen recent pics and Gerard look's the same as he did a few weeks ago! The pic is definately pre-mcr. It has to be!