Title: Headfirst For Halos
Pairing: Ray/OC, Gerard/OC
Rating: T-Y
Warnings: Violence, swearing
Summary: Luci and Katya are close friends; you may think. Though, Katya only knows so much about Luci and her broken relationship with her fiance. After Luci introduces her to someone who changes both of their lives; she begins to form a close bond with a certain fuzzy-haired guitarist.
Disclaimer: I own Luci and Katya, and all other OCS but not MCR. The storyline is mine, do not steal. The title credit is from MCR. No using OC's without permission; though I do tend to let people use my Oc's if they ask.
Author Notes: Ah, chapter three. It isn't great, I think it's horrid, but... yeah. Please read & comment people.
Chapter oneChapter twoChapter ThreeLuci's hand continued to run up and down my back as I layed on her lap staring hopelessly at the wall. After the wedding, she kicked Josh out of her house. Imagine that? But, then she sold it; well put it on the market and moved in with Gerard. It's been a week since then. And, a week since I told Ray I loved him. "Oh, Luu, what am I going to do?"
She paused rubbing my back for a moment and sighed before she played with my hair. "I haven't spoken to Ray, he just walked off..."
"Of course you haven't spoken to him," she laughed slightly. "Your avoiding him! Everytime he's come round to see Gerard or Mikey and you've been here, you just hide in Gerard's room."
I mumbled an 'I suppose' back and sighed as Gerard walked into the room; though he made me gasp since I noticed he'd cut off his hair. "G-Gerard!"
Luci stopped looking at me and looked at him for a moment, before her eyes grew wide. "What did you do to your hair?"
"Don't you think it makes me more beautiful?" he asked as I sat up, allowing Luci to stand up.
"I love it Gee, but why did you...?" Luci asked as she moved bits of his fringe from his eyes.
I watched them for a while. The pair of them were so different around each other, and I think Gerard was having a good effect on Luci because she was comming out of her shell more. "For the Ghost of you video, we're shooting it tomorrow."
"OH!" Luci laughed, as though it just smaked her in the face. "I forgot about that. Hey," she paused quickly, then turned to face me. "Your comming right?"
"Will R-"
"Great!" she grinned as she turned to Gerard and stood on her tip-toes. "We'll get her and Ray talking again right?"
"That depends..."
"On?" Luci asked, as she stood flat on her feet and cocked an eyebrow at him. She, could be adorable at times.
Gerard just laughed slightly in reply and kissed her forehead before walking out. Luci stood there for a moment, I could tell she had that stupid grin on her face. She always got it whenever Gerard said he loved her, when he kissed her, when he held her close or when he doted on how good she looked. She didn't think she looked good; but I could tell when he said it, she felt it. "Man, you two are too cute."
"Wh-what?" she asked, sitting back beside me.
"Nothing," I laughed, then sighed. "It's going to be awkward tomorrow."
"You think?" she asked with a smile. One, which I really didn't know how to interpret.
"What do you know?"
"Nothing!" Luci defended, waving me off. "Nothing at all! But I think you and Ray are a good match."
"I don't think so."
"I thi-I know so," she sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, then blew a stray piece behind her ear. "At least talk to him tomorrow? Some form on convosastion is better than an awkward silence, full of Frank being Frank."
"You mean, baing hyperactive?" I asked as I scrunched my nose up. She just laughed and nodded, before she stared at the wall opposite with the same, loce-sick goofy grin on her face. I watched her for a moment, before I sighed and frowned. I wish I could have that stupid, love-sick grin. The type you get when you love and your loved in return. But Ray was happy with Elisabeth; he'd never think of me that way. It, was then I noticed the grin on Luci's face was dropped. "What?"
"I just thought of something," she said in a quiet tone. One, I hadn't heard since she was with Josh.
"What Luu?"
"What if.. I'm not good enough?"
"For Gerard! What if he meet's someone who can give him more?" she asked biting her lip. "Someone who'se pretty, someone who didn't drop-out of college. Someone who'se smart, and... what if I just can't be what he wants?"
"Your getting these doubts now?" I asked, though I was trying to joke I was still concearned. "Luci, listen to me. Gerard loves you. Not the rest of the world! You are pretty; you just need to believe it. And so what if you dropped out of college? So did Mikey and Frank! As for being smart, what has that got to do with anything? I think your smart."
She just frowned and bit her lip a bit more until it started bleeding slightly, though she didn't seem to care, nor notice. "Luci, what aren't you telling me?"
"When, I was a kid. My mother said I wasn't good enough for her, she said I was a mistake and she never wanted me," she trailed off. "She negelcted me, so social-workers took me away and put me into a home... What.. what if Gerard just wakes up one day and thinks everything he said about me was a mistake?" I could see the tears run down her face, and the blood from her lip dribble down her chin. She'd had her stitches out from the wedding, but it was still slightly bruised.
"Luu, listen to me," I sighed as I wipped the blood away and gave her a tissue. "Your mother obviously could never see your the most beautiful person I know. Inside, and out. She's the one who missed out; heck if I was a mother I'd love to have you as a daughter."
Her sobs stopped slightly and she looked at me. "Do you want to be a mother?"
"W-what?!" I asked blushing. "Where did that come from?"
"Do you or not?"
"If I find the right person to settle down with..." I trailed off.
"And, you don't think Ray's the right person?" she asked as she dried her eyes, then put the tissue on her lip.
"He is the right person. He's also Elisabeth's right person. And, I don't want to tear them apart," I sighed as she stood up. "Going somewhere?"
"I need to clean up my lip," she said as Mikey walked in. "Hey Mikey."
"Have you been crying?"
"Who me?" Luci asked as she walked out of the room, though I did notice her tone drop slightly. She may of been acting chiper, but she she wasn't inside.
"What happened?"
"Confidence issues," I answered lightly as Mikey nodded and folded his arms. "Gerard said your comming with us tomorrow."
"I swear, if you don't patch up with Ray, I'll force you two to make-up," he sighed. "And besides, your the one whose been avoiding him."
"Yes, I know," I sighed as I stood up. "I shou-"
"Mom said you can stay here tonight," he intteruped. "Gerard think's it's better like that to since we're leaving early in the morning."
Everything was silent when we ate dinner, Luci had this look on her face as though she were unsure of everything. Gerard seemed to notice and kept staring at her, though she didn't really notice. "Excuse me..." she said at length as she stood up and walked out of the room; probably to her room.
Gerard frowned, and went to go after her but Donna stopped him. "Sweetie, do you even know the problem?"
Gerard looked at me and raised both of his eyebrows; of course I would know and he knew it. "She doesn't think she's good enough for you Gerard."
His eyes widened slightly, and he didn't say anything for a while. "Wha...t?"
"You heard her," Mikey replied as I nodded. Gerard span on his heel and raced to his room, I heard his voice before the door shut and everything fell back into silence. "You don't mind staying in my room do you?" Mikey asked me as I looked at him and shook my head.
"It's just fine Mikey," I laughed slightly. "I just think things will be awkward tomorrow is all."
Donna laughed slightly as she cleared the table and stood up. "Don't worry sweetie, from what I know, Ray is very fond of you." I nodded, though I could feel my cheeks burn slightly. I was going to borrow some of Luci's clothes tomorrow, so I was just going to sleep in my underwear and shirt. I fell straight asleep once I closed my eyes, and my last thoughts were of Ray.