Jan 17, 2007 18:51

So, my mother came in like three seconds ago and I asked her if she got Kerrang! Since I wanna read the rest of that MCR thing; you know how Gerard's talking about his split with his gf? I wanna read the rest of it, but like she decided I'm not allowed one cheep magazine. URGH, of all the effin times. So when I got a little "I just wanna read it" shes like "DONT YOU FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" and it's like "Whatever" because I wanna try and avoid a fight, uyet all she cal do is push me. Fucking hate her. It's unfair, she hates that I have something I love and basically live for. It's just fuckin' unfair- URGH and then she complained, just now "YOU NEVER FUCKIN ASK HOW MY DAYS BEEN". PSHH DONT I?! I do even though I don't wanna know 'cause it's always as fuckin' boring as hell she forever COMPLAINS so when I'm like "If you hate it so much why don't you fuckin' leave?" she yells at me! I can't win. And like I didn't ask her 'cause I haven't had the chance to yet. Urgh. and then she get's pizza for dinner; I hate pizza and she knows it. So she just screamed at me because "I have to like something" and I'm like "I do, I just hate pizza. And the cheese makes me ill." URGH, she doesn't care that I feel as ill as... whatever. I've been asleep when I haven't been sneezing or trying to find an alternative to pills which isn't working, since I wont touch any form of drugs, I know how stupid I can get at times. Urgh, I just don't get her, she never lets me change my mind. Like, when I went off of anime she FREAKED at me and I was like "Am I not allowed to change?! Am, I just not allowed to realise I was doing nowt with my life". Oh, and now she's picking on the way I sneeze; I can't fuckin' help how loud I sneeze, I mean urgh. And here we go she's starting on the way I talk and hold my fucking cup. So what if I'm "Snobby" and hold it with my little finger out; I always have done since I broke my finger. And I can't help how I talk, so what I sound Welsh and since I've been watching Japanese programs all day my Japanese accent like thing is back and she's saying "Stop speaking like that" when I can't and she knows I can't help that I say "Vat" insted of what. Well it sounds like vat but I gaurentee you, I do say what, it just sounds like vat... Japanese/Welsh hybrid vampire, ne?

One good thing did happen today though I think it's just a coinky dink but I did this thing on MySpace and it was like "Post this and the one you love will surprise you tomorrow". I ain't goin' into what happened, but I was effin surprised.

I have a random obsession with anon posts in MCR coms, hahaha........ the only thing which I smiled -apart from previous said thing- about today. Urgh.
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