May 30, 2004 17:19
I've felt really left out of things lately, although that feeling could be on account of the fact that
a) I am extremely sick right now
b) I've felt rather resistant to joining in on social gatherings.
c) It could also be due to the fact that when I do go to "gatherings" (parties, kickbacks, orgies(kidding on that last one)) I feel sort of like a third wheel, the one who gets the sympathy invite simply because I was there when people were talking about it. You know, people talk about a party to a person, and the person says what party and immediately the person talking about said party feels like a complete ass because they didn't know that person wasn't invited and later goes on to ask whoever is throwing said party to invite that person because, as we all know, thats just the polite thing to do.
Or I am just the anti-social butterfly.
I'll let you know which of the three really accounts for these feelings when I figure them out myself.
yay for extreme emo moments
I also have to figure out if Marisa called me last night or this morning. Something about going to a club. Not sure if I'm feeling it.
I also really need to get around to telling people things so that they don't continue to do them because it's really not necessary and... I will stop there. I'm not about to go and make the last two weeks of my senior year suck and seeing as to how senior ditch day is coming up, I don't want to step on too many toes too terribly hard.
Of course, we all know how fond I am of speaking my mind, so I'm sure my opinion will come out eventually.